THOSE people! or A great article

mlagena Posts: 154 Member
We all know them though hopefully not as much since high school! Those people that just tear you down so they can feel better. Every now and then someone will make a smart remark (like some, grrr, *lady* in walmart) about my weight or whatever and i do pretty well to shrug it off but it's hard sometimes!
Anyway, I found this line while reading by David Wong from and it really hit me!

"An insult is just someone who hates you making a noise to indicate their hatred. A barking dog."

Doesn't that just say it all? Maybe we should thank them for the attention? Hahaha Wouldn't that just piss 'em off!
I don't usually post after-school-specials, but i wanted to share that line and the article. It's a great article and I think I may go visit a neighbor today...

Tata and brightest blessings!

edit: hmm...can't figure out the html for the link... :huh:


  • ❤B☩❤
    Megan, honey, didn't you know that rude people and rude comments such as this warrant the response:

    "I am heavy and you are UGLY, at least I CAN and AM changing MY issues!"

    UGH, I HATE people that think that just because there is a little (or a lot of) extra weight on someone else, that gives them carte blanche to spew out hatred. Diarrhea of the mouth, I say. So, if THEY don't care what they say to you, I say YOU don't care about what you say to them.

    Chin up!! :heart: