Operation: Hot Bridesmaid!

I'm standing up in two of my cousins' weddings this year and I want to look AMAZING!

I've decided to really up my game. Lots of healthy grains, fresh greens, and lean proteins.

Is anyone else working for a wedding body??


  • princesslucylou86
    I myself am getting married in june this year...so im hitting it hard! Good luck to you HellYesHaley, im sure you will look incredible!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I'm working for my wedding body. Not even engaged but I've got 80+ lbs to go so I figure I should get an early start ; )
  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    I am in 3 weddings this year!! I need to pick it up and get going!
  • AmandaK0211
    AmandaK0211 Posts: 8 Member
    Me too,! My little sister just got engaged and asked me to be her matron of honor. Her and all of the other bridesmaids are skinny Minnie's. Lol I've been meaning to lose this extra weight for awhile now but this is giving me some motivation
  • jadetigereyes
    jadetigereyes Posts: 44 Member
    Totally working on it! I have three weddings to go to this year, with one that I'm in and another that's in Aruba! Definitely want that beach body for the photos :)

    I'm also training for the Warrior Dash in June (after the first wedding I'm attending), so that's part of my goals this year.

    Feel free to add me for motivation!
  • I'm getting married in December, I am totally on it!
  • Vogela824
    Vogela824 Posts: 55 Member
    I am for TWO WEDDINGS!! I'm the MOH in one, and possibly the second depending on how things go... haha, so I definitely need to get in the game!
  • Operationweddings
    Operationweddings Posts: 22 Member
    Hi guys! I'm bridesmaid for my friend in 13 months ( July 2015 ) my own wedding is 2016. But I started to lose weight because I didn't want to be THAT bridesmaid. You know the one, the unhappy-fake grin stood next to the skinny bridesmaids. Standing behind everyone else so you don't photograph her curvy bits. I don't want to be that person :-( I've lost 13lbs since march, but had a few up and down days. But now I've found low carb/sugar and I've lost 10lbs in 15 days with that. This is my path.....I know it