some advice here are detail to help please

Hi as the title suggests I am putting on weight and trying to get my maintenance calories to a more normal range.
I have been maintaining my weight on 1630 calories for at least a year. I got as low as 160 body weight with a little bit of running and lots of weight training. I never got my fat below 18. Lost over all about 65-70 lbs. I had been sitting at 160-164 for about 5-6 months. My goal is to get my calories back up to a more normal range, increase my body weight slightly as I went hopefully adding back some muscle.

When I started in the last week of nov first week I weighed 162, I added 200 calories and week later I weighed 164, I maintained the calories and dropped back down to 162. So I added another 100 calories and gained nothing so I went to about 2000 calories. Per day, that was about 4 weeks ago. I’ve put on 5 lps since then. I am thinking 5 lps in 4 weeks might be to much, ill reweigh Sunday and hold the calories the same for another week. Any opinions. I did eat out twice in that time so that may have affected I could only estimate the calories for those meals.

Ive changed my weight training program from a 2 day body split to a full body work out. which I like my strength is going up pretty good on squats bench and shoulders. I have also gained an inch on waist in the last 4 weeks. Ill re measure Sunday and will move my weigh ins to Sunday from this point on. (Friday is a high carb day since I don’t eat meat on Friday) I might be retaining a bit more water than normal. Ill know for sure tomorrow.

To sum it up since dec ive gained 5 lbs but most of it in the last 4 weeks.


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I am having an oddly similar problem. I traveled from the very cold north to the very hot south and back again, causing me to hold a lot of water. I am sure it's not fat, because I've hit my calorie goals and it all came on almost overnight AND my ankles are swollen. It is slowly moderating but it's not gone yet. I'm still 3 pounds over my 'bounce zone' and haven't been out of that since June.

    I am trying to figure out whether to hold on another week and see if I lose the water. Or should I drop calories now? It seems foolish to drop calories when I think it's water.