What workouts can I do with a mild sprained ankle?

I've sprained my ankle going down the stairs just put my foot down too hard now I have a mild sprain. I have sprained this ankle before a few years ago this one isn't as bad. I can walk and I have been since the 3rd day and I'm okay up and down the stairs.
Doctor said I'm 6 weeks out from physical activity or fully healed although I'm hoping it's not as long as that since it is a mild sprain. I don't know how I'm going to manage 6 weeks away from my gym workout..

What exercises can I do at home which aren't bad on a ankle sprain?
I usually did mainly hiit in the gym all my workouts had squats/planks etc which I can't do.
Would boxercise be a good workout if I look up videos on youtube? what can I do on my upper body?
I also have Jillian Michaels 30 DS at home.

Will I still be able to burn calories even without doing my usual HIIT routine?