1200 Calories a day



  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    very welcome loves! I hope everything works out for you. :flowerforyou:
  • romywill
    romywill Posts: 42
    You are doing wonderful!!! Keep up the good work

  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    Banks, perfectly written. My husband gets on the scale every friggin day! Yet his jeans are starting to "fall" to his hips (that's a bit far fetched). I try to tell him that it's not the SCALE to worry about. But, you know men!
    Ha! Busted, Banks!!! Yes, my WW roots are shining through! After I posted that and reread it I noticed what I did! Funny you caught it, too.

    Yeah, I've been on WW for three years (I've said this a few times on these boards so I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record). Anyway, I reached goal, remained there for awhile, gained a few pounds, lost a few, gained a few, then just plateaued. Perhaps because I've stuck to "20 Points" with WW for so long, my body is just bound to eat this many calories forever. :-( I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE food. I love bad food. Good food. Junk food. All food!! But I also know that I sometimes can't say "no" so I really have to be disciplined. Sucks, but that's the way it is. Sometimes I'll give myself a cheat week where I just eat whatever I want. Then I go back to "dieting."

    Regarding my height / weight...I'm 5'1". Currently weigh 115.2. My goal is 112. That's where I was for awhile, then went up to as far as 121, now I'm heading back down. I started at 144. I know I sound like a whiny baby, but seriously, the last 5 pounds is SOOOOOO hard to lose and maintain. The first 30 were fairly easy. But my body just doesn't seem to want to get back down to 112. I only want to get there because that is where I felt best.

    Regarding my BMR...My BMR is 1,105 calories per day. It sort of concerns me that I'm eating UNDER that most days, but I swear it's the only way I can lose!!! My BMI is 21.8. I'd LOVE to be able to eat about 1500 calories per day to maintain. Eventually perhaps I'll get there. What would be REALLY great is to be able to just EAT without counting every ounce of food that enters my mouth. But I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to. :-(

    Anyway, I'm just very happy to have this board, and community and all of you guys here to share with. I love reading everyone's posts and love to see that I'm certainly not in this alone.

    Well, I'm gonna give you what I think. You can choose to use it, not use it, or just disregard it, I'm not a pro so take what I'm gonna say for what it's worth. It won't offend if you choose to disregard it, everyone has their own way, but I just wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least give you my thoughts on it.

    Firs a perspective question:
    Have you ever, even once in your life, been able to tell if someone has lost 3 lbs by looking at them or even picking them up? For that matter, do you think you'd be able to tell the difference between a 30 lb weight and a 33 lb weight? If you answer is NO (which I suspect it is) then why do you care so much about 3 lbs? Heck, I fluctuate more then that from morning to night, just in water and food weight.

    I think (and this is just an opinion), that the weight you want to achieve is a mental thing. I wonder if you realize that having a BMI of 21.8 is on the LOW end of healthy. Trying to squeeze more loss out of that is a MONUMENTAL task, and not one that can realistically be expected long term.

    With all that said, I'm fully convinced that you are well under the calories you need to maintain your current weight. At your BMI the only thing that is going to help is tone and muscle.
    You do realize that at your current weight, height, and age, your calories to maintain your weight should be around 1650 right? Eating 1000 calories with essentially a tiny to no fat stores is not going to help you loose weight, it's going to help you loose muscle (not good in anyone's book).
    Realistically someone your height can weigh up to 130 and still look darn good! It's all about muscle tone once you get into the low 20's of BMI.

    I have posted on these topics before. Have you looked at this post yet?

    anyway, that's all I have to say on this topic. I hope I helped, if not, I hope everything works out for you.

    Again, this is all opinion, but I've seen enough, done enough research, and talked to enough trainers to have a pretty good idea what I'm talking about.