Breakfast is evil



  • MickeyCastello
    Breakfast just seems to work for me. I didn't eat breakfast before I started MFP. Since I started eating breakfast, I find I have a better attitude in the morning, and seem to get more done in the morning. Additionally, I don't sleep in near as long, since I look forward to getting up and eating, and I find I can take a later lunch, which leads to a later dinner, which leads to less snacking at night.
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    I'm with you. I always go over my calories when I eat a breakfast over 200 calories. It makes me ravenous for the rest of the day. I prefer a small, or no breakfast, and a medium sized lunch, a small dinner and around 400 extra calories for night time snacking because that's always been my problem. I can't seem to kick the habit, so I just save a bunch of calories for it. Skipping or skimping on breakfast seems to do the trick and I've lost weight pretty consistently so it doesn't seem to be having any negative impact.

    Just go with what you feel is right and what shows progress for you!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    If I dont eat breakfast .. I dont get hungry until maybe 2 or 3pm. If I eat breakfast I'm ravenous by noon

    I get up around 530-6 ... I dont want to eat until 9 or 10 after I get to work, so thats when I eat breakfast.

    Different foods have diffenret effects: English muffin and Peanut butter, Egg Sandwich, Yogurt almonds and fruit .. these hold me over nicely .. If I eat cereal .. within 2-3 hours, I'll be hungry and have the shakes and HAVE to eat ....
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    I love breakfast foods, but I hate to eat breakfast. I'm not a morning person... at all. And, regardless of what time I get up, it still takes my body a couple hours to really "wake up". (Thankfully, I'm self-employed and work at home, so I can get up at any hour my body chooses and work as late as I want, since I'm most productive at night.) If I try to force myself to eat right away or anytime before my body is ready, I feel sick for hours. So, if I consume anything when I wake up, it might be a little bit of water.
  • tomandshell
    tomandshell Posts: 32 Member
    I've never been a big breakfast eater, but started the habit when I began my diet back in October. I tried forcing myself to eat in the morning despite not being hungry, and I found myself just as hungry as usual later in the day.

    Now I have started moving away from breakfast and saving those calories for later in the day when I am actually hungry, and it has left me more satisfied without impacting my weight loss. Shuffling those calories over to a larger lunch and/or dinner gives me better meals without going over my calorie limit, and the weight is still dropping off, slowly but surely.

    So I am no longer working under the assumption that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    I eat breakfast everyday but it's small. A slice of gluten free toast with natural peanut butter, a banana and a coffee. Same breakfast everyday. LOL. I'm usually ready for lunch 3.5 hours later.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    WTF are you calorie goals if you're going over because you had a 300 calorie breakfast? That's a frackin' snack.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I find that my best days are ones that start with breakfast and coffee -- but like other posters, my breakfast is usually pretty light (250 - 300 calories) and I can skip or postpone it just fine. Heavy breakfast foods kill me, and I find I don't like sugary breakfast foods the way I used to.
  • stephaaniemarie
    stephaaniemarie Posts: 28 Member
    I get hungry a couple of hours after getting up (usually by the time I get to work), so I always have breakfast. Some days it may be later in the morning, but I always have it. I have found that when I don't eat breakfast (once in a while on a very busy morning) that I overeat the rest of the day.
    KANSASGIRL69 Posts: 28 Member
    I have 2 scoops of Muscle Milk NATURALS upon waking up…i would suggest 30+ grams of protein anyhow upon waking…just my thoughts (300 cal) it fits into my food allowance for the day and i eat egg + egg whites, spinach, beans, squash for the 2nd meal of my day…happy eating! I LOVE MY FOOD! ITS FUEL!
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I have breakfast at about 9am, I wake up at 6:30 by that time I'm ready to eat. My breakfast is usually about 450 cals.
  • Reagan89
    Reagan89 Posts: 40 Member
    Yay it's not just me if I eat before I have been awake for a few hours I feel sick and have to force it down.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    I think whatever works for anyone is all that matters. I work a graveyard shift so "breakfast" time for most normal people is like dinner or a late lunch for me lol. Some folks get by on a huge full plate early... others like a more "snack" type thing, figure long as you're eating when you're hungry and being healthy with your choices weight is going to come off =)
  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    I always go over whenever I eat breakfast but I think it's because I like cream in my coffee if I just count the cream as my breakfast and then don't eat until later in the morning I do okay
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    I eat a large breakfast (400cals) but I skip lunch. In fairness, I work from home and my breakfast is SO large (large plate of fruit, small bowl of greek yogurt and honey) that I tend to pick at it throughout the morning and it takes me about 3 hours to get through it most days. So I'm not really sure if it can be considered 'breakfast' in the traditional sense. Maybe like an extended snack? Morning grazing?

    But yeah. No lunch for me most days. By the time I'm done with the fruit I'm good until about 6/7pm.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Eat when you want. Meal timing makes no difference.

    I beg to differ - after an average sleep of 8 hours timings will make a difference unless you have conditioned your organism and metabolism differently (IF as an example).
    OP 300 or more calories and it offsets your calories for the rest of the day? how many cals are you on?
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I eat when I am hungry. I don't have my first meal until 11am or noon and when I eat I eat. I never enjoyed eating small snacks every hour or two.

    A couple of weeks after I started logging everything I ate I noticed the days when I ate as soon as I woke up I overate. Also I wasn't even hungry that early. I thought it was the thing to do because it helps the metabolism, it's the most important meal of the day etc. plus I really wanted to lose weight.

    I'm not a follower so I decided to try eating as soon as I get hungry for a week and see how that goes. 80 lbs. lost and almost one year of maintaining it's still working really well.

    Now if I am hungry in the morning I eat. If I had an intense workout the night before like an hour of brisk ice skating if I probably be hungry earlier the next day so I eat.

    You have to try different things do what works for you body and lifestyle.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I feel like what I have for breakfast sets me up for the entire day.

    My problem with breakfast is that I always want something carby, but I find that if I have oatmeal or an english muffin that I'm playing catch up the rest of the day to get my macros right. If I have eggs or greek yogurt, I have more wiggle room with food choices.

    Is it obvious that I struggle to meet my protein macro everyday?
  • sherrians
    i usually have some fresh vegetable juice with an orange. It keeps me from getting too hungry before lunch. Sometimes I just have another juice for lunch, then a snack then a huge salad for dinner. I have tried eating my salad for lunch, but then I get too hungry in the evening, when I don't have work to take my mind off being hungry. If I swim at noon, then I just eat an extra snack during the day.