Any college students?



  • mish7228
    I'm a college student too! Believe me I know it's so hard to stay on track on campus. All of my friends eat like crap and the healthy choices are so expensive! I just started MFP today so I'l add you guys and we can do this together!
  • recoveryoga
    recoveryoga Posts: 17 Member
    I too am a college student and know how difficult it can be when surrounded by all unhealthy choices but I know that I and all of you can get through it!
    Feel free to add me!
  • azzyan
    azzyan Posts: 29
    I am, I don't find dieting to be an issue.
    Just gotta have self-discipline and adjust macros accordingly if you do eat out.
    fee free to add!
  • tgabmac
    tgabmac Posts: 46 Member
    Lucky for me...almost everyone on my campus has avoided Freshman 15 because the food is just so awful you don't want to eat it and the only thing to do to get out of your room is to go to the gym! I feel this is a good environment for my weight loss!
  • wannabefitnessfreak
    Annndddd... here's another uni student on this list -.-
    I'm an Undergraduate studying Computer Science and Maths! I'm 5"4 and weight 157lbs, target 125lbs!
    I'm so glad I'm not the only student on here. When I went to uni I thought it would be easier to control myself in my own environment but I just keep deferring my diet and making bad choices like MacDs at 1:30am with my flatmates or pizza at 3a.m. just because we fancy a stroll into town :/ haha.
    Add me guys! Need some motivation to shift this weight!