I did my first side by side pictures!!

I'm only almost a month in...I "started" in December, just cutting back a bit. Then January 1st changed my entire lifestyle, diet, everything...so now 18 days later...I had some chest pains a few times working out, I think I'm doing to much for my size, really hurt. So I took a break day, and I felt lazy today not doing anything but I feel better after resting. So I felt unmotivated and crappy for the last 4 hours....so I had my husband take pictures of me. I had him take some Jan 1st. So I make a side by side, of me, well of my side lol...and I actually see a difference! Not like anything crazy. I just look less round. Before I looked 5 months pregnant. I'm guessing from pop, milk, processed crap. Now, I just have a really deflated looking stomach, still fat, but just flatter. My face looks different, my back even. I'm so excited. Really!! I can't wait to wake up towmorrow and exercise!!

I'm hoping my stomach can get closer to being flat again. It looks like, idk how to describe it...well pretty much like a pregnant stomach, that deflated...3x. Lol
It actually hangs down. Not sure how to fix this? I would post the picture but 1. My house is a wreck still in both pictures from moving lol, and 2. I'm really fat and I'm embarrassed and 3, I'm on my iPad and it won't let me! :)

But I'm sure you can picture, fat stomach, deflated, and hangs down like a flap, :/ eh. So any ideas on how to fix this spot on me? It and my arms are the worst thing!!


  • megmorris2014
    That's fantastic!!! Gives you even more motivation to keep going. Be careful with the chest pains! A few years ago, I pulled a muscle right above my sternum and thought I was about to die. It took a long time for it to heal. Make sure you give your muscles time to rest :)

    Keep up the great work!
  • QueenofGuac
    QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
    That's so awesome! Be sure to do your measurements too! That SERIOUSLY has inspired me as of late. :D
  • MrsMRo220
    MrsMRo220 Posts: 62 Member
    That's so awesome! Be sure to do your measurements too! That SERIOUSLY has inspired me as of late. :D

    I need to get on that! Hopefully tomorrow!
  • catnorbury
    catnorbury Posts: 35 Member
    I have been thinking i need to do this too, maybe todays the day! Hope you now feeling more motivated :)
  • gottagetdatbod
    Swimming, swimming swimming! If you can find an indoor pool (heated outdoor). it will do wonders for everything you are talking about: your arms, stomach, etc. I am not sure of your swimming level, but a simple water aerobics class, using the float weights definitely helps. Even if you took a private lesson coaching! If you are able to swim laps, I highly recommended it. Last year, I swam 6 days a week and within 5-6 weeks, not sure how much i lost (I didn't weight myself back then), but I got so toned. I of course got complacent and stopped, but I am trying to get back into it. Swimming is so good!
  • MrsMRo220
    MrsMRo220 Posts: 62 Member
    Swimming, swimming swimming! If you can find an indoor pool (heated outdoor). it will do wonders for everything you are talking about: your arms, stomach, etc. I am not sure of your swimming level, but a simple water aerobics class, using the float weights definitely helps. Even if you took a private lesson coaching! If you are able to swim laps, I highly recommended it. Last year, I swam 6 days a week and within 5-6 weeks, not sure how much i lost (I didn't weight myself back then), but I got so toned. I of course got complacent and stopped, but I am trying to get back into it. Swimming is so good!

    That sounds wonderful! That's so great you were able to get super toned!! however I have 3 small kids, and my husband works a lot. So my workouts need to be at home, or walking, my mom with watch them for a couple hours, once it gets warm I will take one kid on my back at a time, in rotation in my boba air. I won't leave and go swim cause I'd be away from them for like 4 hours total with driving time and that would be awful! And I'd be like 40 minutes out of town where they are. I'm never away from them! Once there older and it's safe and our house is finished building we will have a pool :) I'm hoping then I will already be small and toned haha ;)