Weight loss without exercise



  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I have been using MFP again for the past 3 months or so and have lost 20 pounds focusing on calorie deficit. Most of the time I have been targeting more like 1600 net but still losing at that level. I have tried to incorporate more activity in the day by using a Fitbit, which I love, but generally just increase my time walking around in the office (sedentary job alas) or trying to move a little more at home. In the past I have always relied on exercise first and really loved exercising but definitely tended to be more hungry or feel more deprived when I couldn't eat what I wanted after a hard workout. I find I am less obsessed by my eating and activity by focusing on one at a time so that this effort is not all encompassing like it has been in the past. As a working mother I just don't have the extra mental energy to obsess but just logging and trying to make healthier choices and eat smaller portions has been manageable. I hope to start incorporating exercise again soon but not at an extreme level, just targeting 3 times a week of 30 minutes of deliberate exercise beyond daily activities to start anyway.
  • br1twaslyke
    br1twaslyke Posts: 41 Member
    thank you all so much for your kind words and great advice! it really means the world to me and is making this process much easier just by hearing about others' experiences and success! All of you women and men are gorgeous and we will all meet our goal weight one way or another! I will definitely be looking into the online exercise videos, thank you all again so so much :)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I lost my last 15lbs with no exercise. I did go to the gym several days a week for the first few months of my diet, but really, really hated it, and it eventually got to a point where I just couldn't do it any more and gave up. I tried various other things - Zumba, body pump, Pilates - and hated them even more. So now I don't do any exercise, and am so much happier for it. I don't even walk much each day, you're meant to get 10,000 steps, most days I don't even reach 1000.

    It does have its down sides, of course. Whenever one of those 'post your weight and measurements' threads comes up, everyone my height always seems to have the same measurements at 20-30 pounds heavier, and I can only assume that's because they're weight lifting. But I don't really care, I'd much rather lose weight a way I'm happy with than force myself to do something I hate.
  • ronnykar
    ronnykar Posts: 37 Member
    I have lost 44 kgs (97 pounds) without doing exercise. Its taken me 15 months of slow and steady but im almost at my goal weight i have 13 kgs to go. I dont recommend it as i now have a lot of lose skin and im also not fit, i still dont have much energy even after losing so much weight but it definitely is possible. I chose to focus on my eating first and then once i hit close to goal i will start trying to improve my fitness and tone ( im too lazy) lol. I eat 1200 - 1300 calories per day
  • ball_FXDWG
    ball_FXDWG Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, I have hardly exercised in the last 5 months. At least what I would classify as exercise. However I have been working 12 hours a day 7 days a week since August with Thanksgiving and 2 days at Christmas off. I am on my feet and constantly moving at work. I'm sure you are moving chasing your kids around more than you think, so while you may not be running on a treadmill, moving your body even in every day tasks helps a lot.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Yes, calorie deficit is how you lose weight. Exercise is for health and fitness with some weight loss benefit.
    I injured my knee in September and have lost 12.5 (27.5 lbs) so far without much exercise - none really.
    I am waiting for the ok before I do anything.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    it can be done...u need time and patience
  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    Yes you can. I can't get into a routine with exercise so instead I have just incorporated it into my daily life like walking everywhere.
  • thejubster1
    thejubster1 Posts: 57 Member
    I have just been to my GP, and she suggested I look at the 5:2 Fast diet (lifestyle) from Dr Michael Mosley - where you eat normal for 5 days, then around 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days.

    I was able to lose wait using MFP last year (before I was injured), and am a little wary of the 5:2 thing - but she assures me that the body's internal health benefit side of the diet are really worthwhile. I'm waiting to read the book before I decide to go with it or not.

    And the creator of the 5:2 diet has just put out a book on Fast Exercise.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I have just been to my GP, and she suggested I look at the 5:2 Fast diet (lifestyle) from Dr Michael Mosley - where you eat normal for 5 days, then around 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days.

    I was able to lose wait using MFP last year (before I was injured), and am a little wary of the 5:2 thing - but she assures me that the body's internal health benefit side of the diet are really worthwhile. I'm waiting to read the book before I decide to go with it or not.

    And the creator of the 5:2 diet has just put out a book on Fast Exercise.

    A lot of people on here do the 5:2 diet. You could try either searching for threads about it if you want to read some other opinions/experiences, or search for groups dedicated to it.
  • albloomfield60
    I started my diet with a goal to lose 227 lbs. so obviously I'm pretty over weight. It hurt my back and knees to do anything, even walking. I of course wanted to be more active so my hope was to start losing weight, then I could start with more physical things when some of this weight came off.

    I'm currently down 59 lbs. and I've done it with very little exercise. I'm trying to work in walking but with my schedule and the weather it makes it really difficult for me. I was able to walk 1.5 miles which was really the longest walk I've been on in over 7 years.

    So in short, yes you can lose weight without exercise.
  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    Absolutely doable!! Just keep your logging honest and if there is a caloric deficit you will lose weight. Have fun with your toddler, don't stress and enjoy every moment!! ????????