Weight lifting and Cardio program - advice

Hey Guys,

Need some advice! Here's some background on me:
I'm hoping to lose about 40lbs this year (weigh 180 @ 5'6"). I like to lift weights/ circuit train and would like to build back up to running 3 miles regularly (I felt really good when I was doing it before and want to get back into it again).

If I work out 1 hour every other day and want to do cardio and weight lifting within the same workout, which is better to do first? I'm trying to net 1400-1600 cals / day and burn around 500 cals / workout.

I've previousl over did it in the workout category and over exercised and under ate which led to me gaining weight back after I got of my plan (I had gone down to 160 but went back up after I was so exhausted from my previous plan of eating only 1400 cals and working out 5-6 times / week trying to burn 600 cals per workout, I did this for a few months and while it worked great I was always tired and getting sick regularly - hence the higher calorie and rest days above.)

any advice will be much appreciated!


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The one that is more important to you, is the one you want to do first.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Don't do both in the same workout. One will cause the other to suffer, and your recovery will be problematic. Focus on strength training and do cardio on other days. Leave 1-2 days a week for rear.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Are you looking to burn fat? If so I'd do weights first since you'll be using most if not all your glycogen and cardio after since you'll be using fat as fuel. If you're not aiming for fat loss though...Do whatever appeals to you first.

    If you're looking to put in the miles though I'd suggest light cardio on a lifting day and then an actual run on non-lifting days as some people consider running to some degree as a Leg day
  • Happy_Taco
    Happy_Taco Posts: 48 Member
    I'm mostly looking to burn fat (killing the muffin top) but I know that's more complicated than just doing cardio.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Like Johnythan said, it is better to do then separate days, if possible. My busy life makes it easier to do them back to back, plus I've been doing it so long, that it's really not too difficult for me. They say you should do weight lifting first, because the cardio will use up your glycogen stores that your muscles will need for lifting weights. You won't be able to lift as heavy after a cardio session. I feel the difference when I do cardio first, can't lift as heavy, or atleast it seems. If you do them back to back, I would eat something to with some protein and carbs, to get your energy back up, before you do the other thing.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    When you are lifting heavy things over your head, you don't want to be fatigued. Weights before cardio, for safety.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I'm not a fan of doing both in the same session - inevitably whatever you do second is compromised. Alternate days can work well (I mostly do 3 & 3 with one rest day).
    If you really want to do both in one session then whichever is your priority you should do first.

    I got to my gym yesterday to find it bursting at the seams (is it January by any chance?) and had no choice but to do a 5k run followed by a bits & pieces weights workout. 5k was in shoes only suitable for lifting and my weights were below par as I was tired. All in all pretty much a waste of time and effort and not really enjoyable either.
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    Don't do both in the same workout. One will cause the other to suffer, and your recovery will be problematic. Focus on strength training and do cardio on other days. Leave 1-2 days a week for rear.

    I agree with this.

    I strength train 3x a week. Run 3x a week. Every other day.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Weights before cardio. Better yet, weights in the morn and cardio at night.
  • LaurenEllexx
    LaurenEllexx Posts: 64 Member
    I agree with doing them on separate days but if you must, do weights first.
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    If you can't split them to separate days, do weights first. You won't have as much energy for your weight training if you do it after your cardio. You'll be able to push yourself through your cardio workout feeling muscle fatigue. I've done it - you can't push yourself in weight training if you're already fatigued by the time you hit the weights.
  • Happy_Taco
    Happy_Taco Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks Guys! I'll try the weights first, then cardio after and see how I feel at the 2 week mark. if it doesn't work out, I'll have to suck it up and just work out more frequently. really appreciate the suggestions!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Don't do both in the same workout. One will cause the other to suffer, and your recovery will be problematic. Focus on strength training and do cardio on other days. Leave 1-2 days a week for rear.

    I disagree. You can do both. It's only a problem unless you're a pure strength athlete or competetive athlete.

    If you're on an empty stomach in the morning, do cardio first. Drink a quick protein shake or eat a bananna, then start your weight training session. Try not to lift on an empty stomache after cardio in the morning. You'll have 0 energy. Been there, done that.

    If you're NOT on an empty stomach, then do weights first. You should feel quite 'fatigued' by the end of your weight training session.(40 min - 1 hour). If you don't, you haven't done weight training properly.

    do NOT do long, steady state cardio at the end of your weight training session. Instead, do interval training for 10-15 min.

    for example, hop on a stationary bike. warm up for 5 min(medium pace), then 20 second sprint/ 40 seconds slow... repeat 10 times.

    Make sure that you are SPRINTING for 20 seconds, not 80% or 90% or 95%. It might not be that hard the first 2-3 times, but after that, it'll be a struggle to go 100%. Try your best.

    As you get fitter, try and decrease the 'slow' time so it's 1:1 with sprint/slow.... If that gets easy, TABATA time with only 10 seconds of rest after each sprint.
  • teebone21
    teebone21 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't do both in the same workout. One will cause the other to suffer, and your recovery will be problematic. Focus on strength training and do cardio on other days. Leave 1-2 days a week for rear.
    I disagree. Its best to weight train first when your glycogen levels are high so that your muscle can use it for energy. Afterward you have two choices. HITT cardio ( high intensity) or LISS ( low intensity steady state) cardio.