Equestrians - what are you fitness regimes off the horse?

Hi all

Im interested to see what everyone is doing fitness wise off the horse? I ride dressage and have found huge benefits in improving my cardio and my strength at the gym - better core stability, able to ride for longer, etc.

Currently Im enjoying step classes for a bit of variety and meeting other fitness enthusaists!

Looking forward to hearing from like minded riders!


  • Hey there!

    Definitely a lot of core exercises, I do general lifting but I've found that leg work has helped my stamina with flat work and my balance and strength with jumping. I'm currently training for hunter but I may work into the jumper ring next year :).
  • CelebrityStatus
    CelebrityStatus Posts: 84 Member
    Lift lift lift. And do lots of core work.

    I like to do 30 crunches, 30 second plank, 30 reverse crunches, 30 second plank, 30 side crunches, 30 second plank, 30 side crunches (other side), 30 second plank.

    Yoga is great for the core.

    And I do mixed cardio... I like cycling, running, and using an uphill elliptical.