Heart disease

NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
Hi, I am a cardiac nurse. As a cardiac nurse, I would like to say, that many of our patients are prescribed statins and blood pressure meds, only to return to our unit, months or a few years later, even after angioplasty and stenting of their arteries. This is NOT to say that anyone should not take their meds, but I came across this article. Thought I'd share. Very interesting read.



  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I'm in my last semester of nursing school looks like an interesting read. I bookmarked it for later. Thanks for sharing :)
  • deus3xMachina
    Seems all the pretty nurses are on the other side of the pond and not on my ward round...
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    Pam, loved the article...makes so much sense......thanks
  • resistance_freak
    Pam, you might also want to read a book called "The Cholesterol Myth" it's along the same topic and gives a LOT of interesting evidence to contradict the popular belief that eating fat causes CHD.
  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member
    ok. I am wondering if someone can simplify this for me. what is he saying? my doctor told me to cut down on carbs, exercise and lose weight. he also gave me meds because I had done all of those before(lost 70lbs, kept it off for 4 years then got sick/bedridden and gained 40 back) and it did not lower my cholesterol. My dad has had 3 stints put In his heart and me and the doctor do not want that path for me. all of my sisters and I have high cholesterol(one who is extremely contentious about what she eats and exercises daily). any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. thanks
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Seems all the pretty nurses are on the other side of the pond and not on my ward round...

    Lol. Sorry you're in the hospital. Get better soon!
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Hi, I am a cardiac nurse. As a cardiac nurse, I would like to say, that many of our patients are prescribed statins and blood pressure meds, only to return to our unit, months or a few years later, even after angioplasty and stenting of their arteries. This is NOT to say that anyone should not take their meds, but I came across this article. Thought I'd share. Very interesting read.


    Once the body is broken a few pills and stints are a band-aid not a fix.

    Anecdotal evidence and railing against a straw man doesn't fix the problem. I'm pretty sure the scientific consensus at this point has shifted from the ultra-low fat diet paradigm.

    Nutrition and health science has advanced significantly but a lot of it is still best guesses.

    If this doctor posits something, have him do studies and back it up.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If this is the case, how does one explain cases like mine, where my cholesterol levels have improved significantly over time despite high quantities of sugar intake?

    Would have been nice if he gave references for some of these claims.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    Bump for later reading.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    ok. I am wondering if someone can simplify this for me. what is he saying? my doctor told me to cut down on carbs, exercise and lose weight. he also gave me meds because I had done all of those before(lost 70lbs, kept it off for 4 years then got sick/bedridden and gained 40 back) and it did not lower my cholesterol. My dad has had 3 stints put In his heart and me and the doctor do not want that path for me. all of my sisters and I have high cholesterol(one who is extremely contentious about what she eats and exercises daily). any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. thanks

    Basically, what he is trying to say, is to eat cleaner. Less processed foods. Olive oil is best, and real butter, when you need to use it, and you should use it sparingly. Unprocessed foods are fresh fruit and veggies, (frozen is ok, but not best, as long as there are no added sugars or sodium) lean mean, from grass fed animals, (since most are raised in factories and fed corn which is not natural). Whole grain breads and pastas, to keep that insulin/blood sugar from spiking, instead of white bread/pasta. Flour and sugar is processed, as well as anything boxed, canned, bottled, (in general). He's saying we should eat a more natural diet, not manmade, with added chemicals. I don't eat super clean, but I do eat less processed foods than I used to. I try to keep it as clean as I personally can, but I like my processed foods too. He's also trying to say, that it's not the fat that's killing us and making us fat, it's the processed foods, including the ones labeled "low fat" or "low calorie."
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    If this is the case, how does one explain cases like mine, where my cholesterol levels have improved significantly over time despite high quantities of sugar intake?

    Would have been nice if he gave references for some of these claims.

    Well, he does say that losing weight also significantly lower cholesterol, as well, if I'm not mistaken. That's true, there are no references, but I do think that diet plays a huge role, as well as genetics, since so many of my patients say they take their meds religiously, and stick to a much healthier diet, and still come back.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Also, I have read many credible articles that do say that inflammation plays a huge role in heart disease. He's also suggesting that cholesterol is not the actual problem, as to why heart attacks occur.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Hi, I am a cardiac nurse. As a cardiac nurse, I would like to say, that many of our patients are prescribed statins and blood pressure meds, only to return to our unit, months or a few years later, even after angioplasty and stenting of their arteries. This is NOT to say that anyone should not take their meds, but I came across this article. Thought I'd share. Very interesting read.


    Once the body is broken a few pills and stints are a band-aid not a fix.

    Anecdotal evidence and railing against a straw man doesn't fix the problem. I'm pretty sure the scientific consensus at this point has shifted from the ultra-low fat diet paradigm.

    Nutrition and health science has advanced significantly but a lot of it is still best guesses.

    If this doctor posits something, have him do studies and back it up.

    True. Hey, I said it was interesting, I didn't say it was factual... :wink: Lol.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'm a nurse as well and I disagree with this article. I skimmed (very fast) through it, but he's basically promoting a "clean" diet or a diet consisting of unprocessed foods.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    If this is the case, how does one explain cases like mine, where my cholesterol levels have improved significantly over time despite high quantities of sugar intake?

    Would have been nice if he gave references for some of these claims.

    Well, he does say that losing weight also significantly lower cholesterol, as well, if I'm not mistaken. That's true, there are no references, but I do think that diet plays a huge role, as well as genetics, since so many of my patients say they take their meds religiously, and stick to a much healthier diet, and still come back.

    Then as a nurse, you'd know that patients aren't always honest about compliance and diet/exercise habits at home. Those patients that say they are, aren't a reliable source of information either, even though they should be for their own sake.
  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member
    ok. I am wondering if someone can simplify this for me. what is he saying? my doctor told me to cut down on carbs, exercise and lose weight. he also gave me meds because I had done all of those before(lost 70lbs, kept it off for 4 years then got sick/bedridden and gained 40 back) and it did not lower my cholesterol. My dad has had 3 stints put In his heart and me and the doctor do not want that path for me. all of my sisters and I have high cholesterol(one who is extremely contentious about what she eats and exercises daily). any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. thanks

    Basically, what he is trying to say, is to eat cleaner. Less processed foods. Olive oil is best, and real butter, when you need to use it, and you should use it sparingly. Unprocessed foods are fresh fruit and veggies, (frozen is ok, but not best, as long as there are no added sugars or sodium) lean mean, from grass fed animals, (since most are raised in factories and fed corn which is not natural). Whole grain breads and pastas, to keep that insulin/blood sugar from spiking, instead of white bread/pasta. Flour and sugar is processed, as well as anything boxed, canned, bottled, (in general). He's saying we should eat a more natural diet, not manmade, with added chemicals. I don't eat super clean, but I do eat less processed foods than I used to. I try to keep it as clean as I personally can, but I like my processed foods too. He's also trying to say, that it's not the fat that's killing us and making us fat, it's the processed foods, including the ones labeled "low fat" or "low calorie."
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I'm a nurse as well and I disagree with this article. I skimmed (very fast) through it, but he's basically promoting a "clean" diet or a diet consisting of unprocessed foods.

    Ok, granted the article isn't great, due to no references, and lack of evidence, and like I said, I like my processed foods too, but really? I mean if you eat a diet full of nothing but, or mostly processed foods, do you really think that's eating healthy? And what's wrong with eating healthier? I'm not saying you should be an angel, and ONLY eat clean, but I just don't think it hurts to eat foods that are healthier. Don't get me wrong here, I'm really not preaching that we should all eat clean all the time. I just don't think it would hurt to cut down on all the processed foods.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    If this is the case, how does one explain cases like mine, where my cholesterol levels have improved significantly over time despite high quantities of sugar intake?

    Would have been nice if he gave references for some of these claims.

    Well, he does say that losing weight also significantly lower cholesterol, as well, if I'm not mistaken. That's true, there are no references, but I do think that diet plays a huge role, as well as genetics, since so many of my patients say they take their meds religiously, and stick to a much healthier diet, and still come back.

    Then as a nurse, you'd know that patients aren't always honest about compliance and diet/exercise habits at home. Those patients that say they are, aren't a reliable source of information either, even though they should be for their own sake.

    Yep, well aware.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    I have been doing quite a lot of reading and somewhere I discovered sugar can be divided into several different categories made in and utilised in different parts of our digestive tracts and one category sorry can't remember which can do some damage too to the cardio vascular system. It convinces me our bodies are a very, very complex thing.

    I wish anyone with heart issues all the very best as you work to get it under control.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    ^^^Not sure about all the different types of sugar. I know my Grandmother recently had to have her carotids cleaned out, due to blockage, and she was told by the doctor to eat a low carb diet. I read up on it, and found that carbohydrates are indirectly responsible for raising cholesterol levels.