Average mile times by age?

Howdy. I'm looking for a reliable average mile time chart by age. If one isn't available, perhaps more specifically, the mile time for someone like me. I am 17 years old, just started running. I ran one mile in 9 minutes 30 seconds as my best record. Is that good, bad, or average?

Help would be much appreciated.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    It is a starting point. That pace won't win a 5k, but it gives you something to measure your progress from. Build to 2 miles averaging that pace ... or 1 mile 15-30 seconds faster .... then build from that next measured point. Strive to improve your distance and pace and worry about how your time stacks up against others only if you're racing them.

    If you're dead set on measuring based on age .... the passing time for the two mile run on an Army physical fitness test in the 17-21 yr old age bracket is 15 minutes, 54 seconds or faster. Of course, by the time they take a record fitness test they are no longer beginning runners.
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