T25... pregnancy?

Hello.... I'm in my second weeek of t25 and LOVE IT.

My hubby and I are are trying to have a baby and I want to know if this program is suitable for me in the case of getting pregnant.
and which other programs/workouts would you recommend for a pregnant woman.



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    :huh: Well, you're not pregnant, so there's no reason why you shouldn't keep doing the program if you are enjoying it. It's not going to keep you from getting pregnant, and there aren't any exercise programs that assist in getting pregnant. And honestly, it can takes months to a year to get pregnant even for couples with no medical concerns, so you're kind of putting the cart before the horse.

    You're already establishing an exercise routine, which means you should have no problems continuing to exercise throughout your pregnancy. There are some modifications and things to consider when it comes to pregnancy and exercise, but there's no sense in worrying about those now or limiting your workouts for something that hasn't happened yet or will even affect your exercise routine for the first several months of pregnancy.
  • Smashley1947
    :huh: Well, you're not pregnant, so there's no reason why you shouldn't keep doing the program if you are enjoying it. It's not going to keep you from getting pregnant, and there aren't any exercise programs that assist in getting pregnant. And honestly, it can takes months to a year to get pregnant even for couples with no medical concerns, so you're kind of putting the cart before the horse.

    You're already establishing an exercise routine, which means you should have no problems continuing to exercise throughout your pregnancy. There are some modifications and things to consider when it comes to pregnancy and exercise, but there's no sense in worrying about those now or limiting your workouts for something that hasn't happened yet or will even affect your exercise routine for the first several months of pregnancy.

    ^^ Agree
  • shurleec
    shurleec Posts: 99 Member
    When I got pregnant, My Dr. said what ever workout I had been previously doing I could continue. However she did no want me starting new programs. I think you will fine, of course once you pregnant you should always check with your Dr.
  • Elizvbm
    Elizvbm Posts: 21
    Thanks everyone
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 27 weeks pregnant with my third. The advice is to continue doing what you've been doing and don't start anything new.

    There are some things you need to be careful with, like you're not supposed to do exercises on your back after a certain amount of weeks, and you're not supposed to do most abs exercises. With weights you need to use lighter ones as your pregnancy progresses, and I read the other day that you shouldn't do walking lunges. Your body produces relaxin, which can make you think you're more flexible than you really are, and you can injure yourself if you try to do certain things.

    I still do cardio and weights in the gym, aerobics, step aerobics, Zumba and spinning sometimes, although the spinning can be a bit uncomfortable now. I stopped doing boxercise, LBT and core stability quite early on.