What's your favorite back exercise?

I need to add some back strengthening to my work out, hopefully that will knock out these sore muscles.

What's your favorite for your back and core?


  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    The only correct answer to this is Deadlifts.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If you mean upper back, i like barbell rows, and also battle rope rows (basically you reel in a long, thick rope with weight at the end of it).

    If you mean lower back / spinal muscles, deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts.

    But any exercises you choose should complement the rest of your routine. Therefore it's good to follow an established program, instead of piecing together your own routine. A good program is New Rules of Lifting.
  • KIllface123
  • Shreddingit84
    Renegade rows!
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    The only correct answer to this is Deadlifts.

  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    My favorites? Standing backbends or laybacks (and back up, of course) and half or full Locusts. I have problems holding very heavy barbells (nerve damage), so I can't use those. Roman chair lifts are cool, too, but you asked for favorites ;)

    A layback the way I'm using it:

    edit: http://daturaonline.com/laybacks-drops-and-zippers (video)
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    Deadlifts, renegade rows, lateral pull downs, chin ups and pull ups
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Heavy barbell rows are somehow soothing (you said favorite, not best or most comprehensive!)
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I tend to fall in and out of love with certain back exercises. Deadlifts are like your wife. They make you a better human being. They are always there for you. They make you stronger. You can never leave them. Barbell rows are like that really hot girl in the office that keeps flirting with you. They pump you up. They make you feel really good about yourself. But there's something inherently limited about them. My current crush right now is Zott's Press. I'm all about the Zott's Press right now.
  • Safiyandi
    Safiyandi Posts: 151
    I like reverse hypers or good mornings, as accessory in addition to deadlifts - not to replace them, ofc.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    The only correct answer to this is Deadlifts.

    Most effective no doubt but I really enjoy Pendlay rows.