Enjoy your vacation/holiday!

I bit of background...

I go on a company incentive trip every January, usually to an all inclusive somewhere warm. Last January as I sat in the airport coming home I downloaded MFP. At 257 pounds I could hardly find clothes that fit to take on the trip and what I did take I was uncomfortable in. That was 360 days ago.

I learned a lot since since then, all in baby steps and much of it from the fine folks on here. I lost at a fairly steady rate losing 40 pounds in about 10 months. Then in early November it slowed dramatically. I lost about 4 pounds in 2 months and had to fight for every ounce of it. Then right around Christmas it stopped at 216. I wasn't "bad" around the holidays, I didn't stop exercising, I didn't change anything. It just stopped.

So this year the trip was to Panama and I made a conscious decision to go hog wild for a week while I was away. I have heard that sometimes this could break a plateau and with it being one year and all what a perfect time to reward myself!

I logged VERY loosely but I logged none the less. I was over 4000 on sodium every day (I have leaned that I am very sodium sensitive) and I was over 3500 calories every day (1900 normally) and some days I was WAY over that. I didn't burn any extra either. Most days I sat on my *kitten* by the pool. That's at least 11,200 calories EXTRA calories in a week.

I got home last night and his morning I hauled my sodium bloated body onto the scale. I left 7 days ago with a running average of 216 that had flat lined since Christmas and I returned at ... 216 ! In 48 hours or so after flushing the sodium I will have actually lost a few pounds. Time will tell if this will jump start things again but what FUN I had and no damage done!

Bottom line, enjoy your vacation! One week (or two) is a drop in the bucket compared to how long it took to get this heavy.

As far as getting back on track it won't be a problem for me. The last few days I have actually been looking forward to getting back to my normal habits.

On a side note, most of my extra food came in the form of protein and fat. Can you say BACON!?!?! :wink: I don't have much of a sweet tooth and didn't have many extra carbs. Fat and salt is what I have always craved so that is what I ate a lot of. I don't know it this had anything to do with it or not but I suspect it may have.


  • that works for me too. ill have a dairy queen blizzard and some pizza and a pepsi when im feeling defeated and then at the end of the week i weigh in and its the same or even less it motivated me more that this is doable no matter what...... keep it up.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I guess I wasn't exactly a poster child for MPF. I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen in a year and got a lot of comments about looking good. Then when they saw what I was eating they were like "Uh, if I may ask, how did you lose weight eating like that?" (as they pointed to my second full plate from the buffet)

    If they cared enough, I explained.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    And 3 days later... 213. Down 3 pounds :)