When to Exercise?!

Any tips on when any of you find time to exercise? I stay at home and have 3 kids and am really struggling to fit it in.


  • Raina0512
    It's tough with a busy schedule. I wake up at 415a to exercise... it's the ONLY time I have. I work full time, go to school in the evenings and I'm married with 2 girls, ages 2 and 4....:noway:

    :happy: I like working out in the morning and then eating a big breakfast, it gives me energy to make it untill bedtime :happy:
  • lavaflow99
    lavaflow99 Posts: 61 Member
    naptime? when they are at school (don't know how old they are)? there are so many good workout DVDs out there if you want to stay home. my personal fav is jillian michaels boost your metabolism. hth!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I run at 6/6:30 in the mornings and then do my Zumba/etc. for an hour on various times in the evening depending on the day. I work full time from 7:30/8 a.m. to 5 p.m. I usually take my girls to my gym and they get to play in the child's center while I do my thing. Before May though I would put my girls to sleep (they are 18 months and 4 years old) and workout around 10:30/11 p.m. after cleaning up, etc. Its all about how bad you want to work out. Good luck!
  • 321Detonate
    We're in the same boat. I usually wait until all the kids are in bed for the night, or do it mid-afternoon when my youngest naps and distract the other two with a movie. I've explained to them that I'm going downstairs to exercise, and that I will be busy for one hour and not to ask me for anything and to BEHAVE. :smile:
  • kmparks24
    My times vary from day to day. Monday/Wednesday/Friday I am up at 4:30 for a fitness bootcamp that I signed up for at the Va Beach Oceanfront. It's fantastic! Before that, I was waking up at 6:15 to get a run in before I had to be at work at 8am. If I didn't feel like waking up, I would go to the gym after I finished taking care of my horses in the evening.

    Today? I went home and ran during my lunch break :) I feel SO good right now! It was a push that will get me through my afternoon now :)

    It's difficult to find time to squeeze in a workout. I go to school part time, work full time, have to feed my horses Monday-Friday after work. Needless to say I'm exhausted, but if I don't fit in a quick something I feel like a dud.

    Perhaps log what you do on a day to day timeframe and see if you can push a few things up/back to make a solid timeframe for a quick workout? Just a thought....
  • Chrissun
    I usually exercise after the kids are in bed. I also put the baby in the stroller and try to get a walk in during the day.
    Another idea is to walk around the playground while the kids are playing or take them to a bike path and let them ride while you walk. When my older 3 were little this worked for me.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    after they go to bed before the wake up give than to your husband let him watch tham for a hour and a half
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Get the kids involved when you can! There is no better example than learning to exercise and be healthy than doing it from early childhhood with your Mom each day. They will soon learn that this time they can participate and have fun with Mom, or play indepndently, but you will not be available until you are done.
    They are such quick learners when they are young so now is a great time to get them involved.
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    I SAH with my 3 too. I get up at 5 am to do my workouts, but I think I'm going to start getting up earlier. I just don't have enough quiet time to myself! I've also tried to find the shortest workouts I can fit into my limited time. Right now, I'm doing Turbo Jam and Turbo Jam Fat Burner Elite. Once I'm done with those, I'm going to move on to Turbo Fire and ChaLEAN Extreme. You can do it!!!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I would say if you have to get up a little earlier and get it out of the way. Plus I find if you wait till later you may end up busy or too tired
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    It's tough with a busy schedule. I wake up at 415a to exercise... it's the ONLY time I have. I work full time, go to school in the evenings and I'm married with 2 girls, ages 2 and 4....:noway:

    :happy: I like working out in the morning and then eating a big breakfast, it gives me energy to make it untill bedtime :happy:

    Alright I'm going to stop complaining or dreading getting up at 5am to exercise! 4am doesn't even exist to me. Good for you though for getting up that early to exercise.

    My schedule isn't too bad. I work 7am-5pm Monday to Friday.. so if I get up at 5am I can workout before work. But if I didn't have a good night's sleep then I can just go afterwork.. which will be the case today. I don't have children, pretty sure two cats don't count! So it's easy for me to fit it in.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I've been been working out in the afternoons when me soon to be 3 year old "naps". But I'm trying to potty train and he's starting to "hold it" which is pushing my workouts later and later into the afternoon, (and making mama cranky).

    SO, I have decided I need to start waking up SUPER early to workout. This is completely against my nature, BUT I WILL DO IT!

    You can too!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    mother of two

    I do my workouts at 2pm (naptime in my house) My 2yr old understand that it is my time to workout. Sometimes she just play sin her room for an hour and once she hears that I'm done she is ready to come out lol Every day she tells me Good Job Exercise Momma! LOL

    Than my other daughter is 9 months old so as long as she has a bottle or sleeping she's content lol

    If I know I'm going to have a busy day I wake up at 4:30am and do my workout.

    I don't like working out pass 8pm/ after dinner (unless its a walk lol).
    Plus that's the time I do my college assignments for the week!