Sweetners, fruits, and veggies questions

So I like to try to drink at least a cup or two of hot green tea. Which I now add some honey but my problem is I have a bit of a super sweet tooth. I'\ wanted to avoid the 6-9 teaspoons of sugar because of callories. But... I keep getting told splenda and all the 0 calorie sweeteners are worse than just accepting the calories. So what do I do here beyond trying to lower my tolerance for the taste of sugar.

Is it better to have more vegetables than fruits, vise virsa, or is neither better? If I already had say a smoothie equal to 3 1/2 servings of fruit does that mean I don't need to eat anymore fruit for the day? What is the recommend serving of fruit and vegetables that you eat in one day or is there not a limit and you can eat all you want?

Sorry about all the questions I'm really trying to figure out how nutrition works and how I can eat better.