How do you reward yourself for big weight loss?

Msztrin Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
My ultimate goal is close to 100 pounds, my first goal however is about 65. I may want to lose more, it really depends on how I feel once I reach my 2nd goal.

These are big numbers, and although I feel just being smaller & healthier is quite a reward, do you give yourself small rewards for hitting certain points in your weightloss challenge?

I was thinking about giving my self some small reward, but didn't know if it should be for every 10, 15, 20, etc. If you do this, what are your thoughts?

SW: 242
1st Goal: 175
2nd Goal: 145


  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Yes I am giving myself mini goals to work on which ends in rewards. I love it, it's motivating and keeps me focused and on track. Mine are listed on my signature. Have fun figuring out what will be motivating for you! And by the way awesome determination!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    When I started MFP about 3 weeks ago, I thought about small intermittent rewards and decided that I was giving up something I really liked (a glass of wine each night), so if I reached a weight of 170 (which would be a total weight loss of 27 lbs from when I first started losing weight on June 25th), I would reward myself with a glass of wine - just one - to be savored while sitting on the porch at midnight and looking at the stars etc. then when i reach my next goal, I would treat myself to a new outfit (figured by then I would need it), then the next goal - dinner out with a friend (hopefully someone who can celebrate with me my having reached my goal weight). So, you can choose what/when to reward yourself - I, personally, think it helps to have something to look forward to. I mean, I am looking forward to being healthier, more physically fit, etc. But it is always nice to have something extra special to look forward to after having worked so hard to attain a long desired goal.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I like rewarding myself because it is more motivation to push myself. I reward myself every 5 pounds and I like to choose something that keeps me excited about working out like new running shoes and HRM (which is what I'm getting when I can drop a couple more pounds and I'm so excited about!) I definitely think you should reward yourself for what you do tho! It keeps it FUN
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    New clothes... this weekend I had to get all new bras (I seriously threw out every single one except ONE and only because I forgot about it - plan on throwing it out asap) and soon I'll have to replace my Fall wardrobe because everything will be too big!

    I try to reward myself all the time...I just subscribed to a new fitness magazine (so now I have 2) and every few months I have to buy new work out clothes.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I think incremental rewards are a good idea - what they are and how often depends on the person. My rewards aren't all based on weight-goals, but on other things too:

    One of my rewards is going to be that I'll pay for a trainer at the gym to help me tone/build muscle once I'm down to a reasonable weight. I've wanted a trainer, but not willing to pay for one right now... I'm not tying it to reaching my goal weight, because it also depends on when I am able to pay off my credit cards. I'm expecting to reach my goal weight and pay my credit cards off around the same time, though, which works out well.

    Incremental rewards for me will be a CamelBack (backback with built-in water reservoir with a nifty tube to drink from) when I finish the C25K program, and then when I read 180 (or so... I can't remember the exact goal at this second) I am going to buy a nicer scale. The one I have only measures in 1/2 lb increments, and I want one that's at least .2 lb, if not .1 lb increments.

    I'm trying to make my rewards ones that will continue to encourage me in my new lifestyle.
  • In the UK we think in terms of stones as well as pounds - a stone in weight is 14lbs. So I have decided to reward myself for every 14lbs lost (and I have 4 stone to lose!)

    I am planning on non-food treats - so
    1. A subscription to a glossy magazine
    2. Some Yankee candles for the house
    3. A pretty necklace
    4. A shopping spree!!!
  • when I reach my half way goal, one small tatoo. When I reach my full goat weight, ONE BIG KICKASS TATTOO!!!! I can't wait!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Yes mini rewards are nice and keep us motivated. I am giving myself rewards for every 20lbs I also need to loose close to 100, so I just concentrate on loosing 20lbs at a time that way it is not as overwhelming. For my first 20lbs I am giving myself some new earrings. the 2nds 20lbs a pedicure, and so on..Do whatever keeps you motivated
  • mcsassy
    mcsassy Posts: 9 Member
    My reward is shopping. I'm so excited when clothes that used to fit well become loose. I love buying belts, and nail polishes as mini-rewards. Shoes are a great way to change my outfit and keep me feeling good. I'm waiting to drop a second dress size and then I'll buy all new tops for work.. Next will be jeans and slacks for work.

    Have fun on your journey!
  • I started setting up rewards that i really wanted!!

    After X lbs work with a trainer for a week
    After xlbs new iPod shuffle for my workouts
    After xlbs new workout gear!

    SOOOO much better than food rewards which is what we are used to because that's how families often show love!

  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I try to reward myself as much as I can.. I don't have a substantial amount of weight to lose, originally was only 6 pounds but mostly need to lose 10 total. I've lost 4 pounds so far.. when I want to reward myself I went to the mall and bought some new shirts. I'm always on the look for new foods and recipes so to treat myself I will buy something new and make a new meal. I'm pretty easy going.. plus sometimes it's just rewarding enough to look in the mirror and see my body that is 4 pounds lighter!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Up until a couple weeks ago, I'd reward myself every few weeks for keeping up my exercise program and not taking days off because "there is always tomorrow" to make it up (I workout 5-6 days per week). I would go to an outlet store, try on a BUNCH of clothes, and buy a couple items that REALLY looked good :happy:
    Until a couple weeks ago. I had bought a couple new pairs of slacks, a size smaller, new jeans and a couple tops in the past 2 months: well, they're all too big & sloppy looking on me now! All I did was add ankle weights to my regular routines & evidently that was enough to kick it up a notch!:tongue: To add to that, I'd bought my wedding dress at the end of June (this year), and it was a little snug, but I said, I'll just workout really hard and keep it up & it won't be so snug. Well, I tried it on 2 weeks ago to show my baby sister, and it's is very obviously TOO BIG! And this is not the type of dress that can be easily taken in :laugh: So now I have 6 months to tone and tighten and get into something smaller :happy:
    I'v now asked my fiance for his help, to make sure I do not buy anything new until I reach & maintain a weight, since I'm toning & firming better than I ever did before, the old clothes I have will have to go since I have a better "shape" now.
    So I guess my reward will be new workout clothes since my size "L" pants are rather loose and either really stretched out from use or just too big (I tried on a "M" last week and it fit, though).

    Here is to ALL of us getting rewards for our persistence, consistence and amazing weight-loss, healthy living journeys!:flowerforyou:
  • All good ideas! I agree, rewarding myself will really help with motivation! I'm getting so exciting thinking of the new me! :D You guys are all awesome, and good luck on reaching your goals!
  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    My reward for halfway point or three quarters of the way point is gonna be an awesome back tattoo and when i reach goal weight SHOPPING SPREE for SKINNY clothes :love: haven't really thought of mini goals though-i definitely need to do that.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    My ultimate goal is close to 100 pounds, my first goal however is about 65. I may want to lose more, it really depends on how I feel once I reach my 2nd goal.

    These are big numbers, and although I feel just being smaller & healthier is quite a reward, do you give yourself small rewards for hitting certain points in your weightloss challenge?

    I was thinking about giving my self some small reward, but didn't know if it should be for every 10, 15, 20, etc. If you do this, what are your thoughts?

    SW: 242
    1st Goal: 175
    2nd Goal: 145

    I haven't given myself rewards so far, however, once I have lost all my excess weight, I do intend to splash out on a designer pair of jeans, in a size 10 UK size, because that is the size I am aiming for.

    Regarding rewards for smaller goals, I think it is a lovely idea! It would be good if the first reward were something small and then as you lose more and more weight, make the reward bigger and bigger until, once you have reached your goal you reward yourself with something you have always wanted, money permitting that is.

    No good promising yourself a two month Caribbean Cruise if you have £3 to spend!

    Good luck in your weight loss and enjoy those rewards! :flowerforyou:
  • judswi
    judswi Posts: 73 Member
    Buy myself new clothes:wink:
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