Unexplained pain/hunger from increased exercise? Help!

About 2.5-3 weeks ago I increased my workouts from 3-4x a week to 6x. Before I was consistently doing 2-3 power yoga/Pilates classes and 1-2 days of strength training. I was more regular on the Pilates/yoga end and would sometimes go 2 weeks without lifting weights. Now my schedule looks like this: Mon-Wed-Fri- 45-90 min of weight training, either upper/lower body but 1-2x a week I do the 90 min full body workout. Tues-Thurs - 60 min power PiYo (yoga/Pilates mix) class. Sat- pure yoga, less intense/more stretching.

My goal is not to lose weight but maintain/increase muscle and look defined and fit. So far, I've lost 2 lb. I feel like I'm always hungry and try to eat accordingly. I eat pretty healthy, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, lots of fruit/veggies, Greek yogurt etc. I generally eat 2000-2400 cal a day. Do I need to increase if I'm not doing a full on bulk? I generally feel fine during the day, lots of energy but at night I've been waking up with weird stomach pains. Almost like an aching feeling? Like a combo of hunger/nauseous. But I don't think I'm really hungry. I usually eat a late dinner and a snack right before bed. Am I training too intensely and my body is freaking out? I'm usually quite a sound sleeper and this is driving me crazy!