Is walking enough?

Before I moved house I could go weeks and weeks without doing really any kind of exercise, and since I moved house last september I've been 'forced' to walk at least 40 minutes a day because there is no public transport from my house to work, but it can be as much as an hour a day if I go into town in the evening for some reason.

Anyway, I figure this is a big improvement on my lazy lifestyle of before, but is walking enough? I've been on a calorie controlled diet for a week... I know its early days but feeling good about it.

Also should I bother adding this to my exercise diary? It doesn't feel that strenuous and I don't want to think I'm doing better than I am.


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Is it enough for what, exactly? It's a fantastic way to start adding some physical activity back into your life, that much is certain.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Like pp said-enough for what? I lost over 50lbs without doing any exercise at all. I didn't start exercising (walking) until after I transitioned into maintenance. Walking/exercise is good for overall health, but it's not necessary for weight loss.