New to weight loss and calories

I've been on this forum for about a year but only decided now to post :)
I'm a 18 year old girl about 160cm tall (5'3) and weigh 59-59.5kg. My goal weight is to hit 56kg this year. I've already lost 4kg since September 2013. Generally I'm eating 1000 calories a day and I've been doing the Insanity program, just about to start the recovery week. I'm really confused about the calorie deficit of MFP. Am I eating too little? Moreover I'm really scared that if I increase it in any way then I'll gain all the weight I've lost thus far :/
Sorry if I sound like a broken record but I'd really like some guidance here.

Thank you to everyone before hand :)

P.S: feel free to add me as a friend for motivation or daily log ins!


  • danajacobs12
    danajacobs12 Posts: 10 Member
    Well with your current program how much weight are you losing in a week. Much more than 1-2 lbs (idk what that is in kilograms) is questionable besides in the first few weeks. The most important questions though are; are you hungry? Do you feel energized? Do you feel healthy? If the answer is yes then your doing what is right for you. Not everyone fits perfectly into the charts that we are given to use as a guide. There are women who eat 1600 calories and lose the weight quickly and women who use a 900 calorie do et that can't drop a pound. You have to find what's best for you!
  • summerbabe65
    summerbabe65 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for your reply :) I've been losing basically 1-2lbs a week and you're right, I'm feeling pretty much fine with what I'm doing now. Was just a bit worried, you know? I guess it's all a bit of trial and error
  • summergirl212
    summergirl212 Posts: 91 Member
    You are definitely eating too little. It isn't recommended to eat anything less than 1200 and with Insanity you should definitely be eating more. I know that it seems like eating less is the best option but it isn't going to be sustainable. I would recommend bumping up your calories a few hundred and then seeing how you feel. You will still be losing weight but you will probably be less hungry. Plus if you put your info into MFP it will never tell you to only be eating 1000.
  • danajacobs12
    danajacobs12 Posts: 10 Member
    Not everyone fits into the suggested norms. The numbers given are based on averages generated my health and nutrition research. There are always outliers. If you wanna try eating a bit more it probably wouldn't hurt you but as long as you listen to your body and how it is reacting to what you are doing to it. It is trial and error and finding what works the best for YOU! Not what the normative standard is, though the average is a great place to start from with the trial and error. I remember when I was younger my mom tried to make me eat as many calories as a child my age should eat and I was uncomfortably full all the time. She said if I ate what the doctor said I should I would lose the extra weight but I put it on instead. You need to do what feels right.