Looking for support to running a marathon

I enjoy running, whether it be on a treadmill, on a track, on a path, or on a trail. When I run, I feel a sense of clarity and am able to work through problems at work or in life if I wish to think of those, or just kind of get in the zone and focus on nothing other than the run.

I have come to believe in the mantra of weight is lost through diet more so than by exercise. The challenge is that I really like to eat, and running/exercise allows me to do just that. The hard days, for me, are the off/rest days.

I have been running on and off for the past year. My approach has been kind of haphazard and has led to a couple of knee injuries which put me off of running for a couple of months at a time. I achieved half marathon distances before the injuries happened. I have been fitted for running shoes at a running store, but it still has seemed to be trial and error in finding the pair which are just right.

I have decided to do a restart and to slow myself down as well as look to others for help and support in a good running program which will help me achieve running a marathon.

If you are looking to run a marathon, or any distance for that matter, have ran for years, or would like to add me as a friend; I'd greatly appreciate it and any advice or support you may be able to give.


  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Hi! I have been running a few years now, and I'm planning to run my first marathon this year. I haven't decided when or where yet, so in the meantime I'm just running a little every day. Feel free to add me if you want. :smile:
  • mlima14
    mlima14 Posts: 112 Member
    I want to be able to run again, I understand how you feel on how running liberates your stress and clears your mind. Since I used to be a track and field athlete I feel frustrated that I can't do the same as before. I used to just warm up with a mile, now I can't even run it completely without stopping and walking some of the way, but I know once I drop all of this excess weight I know I'll be able to run again. Are you using an app to help you out or pace tracker of some sort?
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I just started running again after a little hiatus. I'm doing a half-marathon in August. I made myself a little schedule to help myself increase my distance without causing injury. I did a test run the other day and figured out I'm able to run 4 kms without feeling like I'm going to die. So that is my starting point. I'm running twice a week to start, with at least 2 days in between my runs because I'm prone to shin splints and I don't want to injure myself. So for 2 weeks I'm running 4 kms two days a week. Then after those two weeks, I'm going to increase the 4 kms by only 10%. Then I will run that new distance for 2 weeks and then up it by another 10%. Once my muscles are stronger, I'll start increasing by 10% each week. If I feel that is too much, I will go back to every 2 weeks, but I think once I'm doing it for a while it won't be a problem, since I'm not increasing the distance by a drastic amount at any one time.

    You could try something like that. :)
  • amcozy
    amcozy Posts: 70 Member
    I've completed three half-marathons and several crazy mud-runs over the past few years - also through a hit-or-miss training style. I have runner's knee because of it- I'd love to connect with you so that we can share our experiences and hopefully get to a point where we're successful as runners :)
  • theveganmay
    theveganmay Posts: 10 Member
    I am just starting base training to run a marathon in October (giving myself lots of leeway!) I have been running off and on for years, but like you have suffered injuries and had to take time off, making getting back into it a tad difficult. Would love to have MFP marathon support friends.
  • alwaysfitter
    alwaysfitter Posts: 20 Member
    I've done 4 marathons over the last few years and have a half coming up in the Spring. I'm not sure if I'll do a full in 2014 or not. Happy to help support you!

    Word of caution about intensive marathon training -- in my own experience, I tend to sabotage my diet and overcompensate food-wise when doing high mileage and gain weight. YYMV, but just be aware of the phenomenon.
  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    After a couple/few months off, I can still run an easy 2 miles but that's about where my base is right now.

    If I am running outside, I will use the runtastic app. I want to buy a running watch with GPS and HR monitor, specifically the garmin 220. I really don't like running with my phone.

    If I am running on an indoor track (6 laps = 1 mile), I just keep track by looking at the clocks as I go by. The garmin 220 has a feature which would help with this as it has an accelerometer for indoor use. In speaking with a couple of people who have the watch, they say it's not 100%, but is no worse than foot pods in their experience.

    I had lost 40lbs before I had to take my last hiatus. I am still down 26 lbs from where I was but far from where I want to be. It's very easy for me to pack it on as my job can be somewhat sedentary and I like to eat. Changing my eating habits after I had been running for a while (I was eating more because I was burning more kcals) was slow and the first month it came back on quick. Luckily my wife is more on board with me in better food decisions which helps a lot.