did we break the digital scale?

Hi guys, I'm a longtime lurker trying to take off a few lbs. I was pretty good during the holidays, definitely cheated a bit but nothing too extreme, was very consistent with workouts. So says my digital scale, I gained about 2-2.5 lbs and 0.5% body fat. I'm an avid distance runner, and I usually don't stray out of the 133-135 range. Body fat is usually 18.5-19%, depending on how much water I've had, etc. (I'm not super consistent with my weighing conditions.) Okay, fine. So I started ramping up my workouts and being militant about my calories.

A couple of weeks ago, my son was goofing off and jumped onto my scale after getting a running start *doh*. He cracked the glass slightly, but it seemed to still be working. However, today I noticed that after a 7-mile run, during which I really pushed myself, I weighed the exact same (137) as I did yesterday morning after eating breakfast and having coffee. My body fat percentage was 18.8 yesterday and 19.1 today. So what gives? Normally a run like that will peel off about 4 lbs. Of course this is water weight, but it still should be reflected on the scale. I have ramped up my strength training a little bit in effort to shed the lbs, but not that much.. I'm talking upper body stuff maybe 3x/week plus leg exercises 2-3 times a week, in addition to my usual cardio 6 days/week. Definitely not enough to "gain muscle," especially since I did a bit of strength training to begin with (before the holidays.)

Anybody else have a scale that suffered some kid-induced trauma and became inaccurate? I'm not trying to kid myself, but it's just weird...