
Hi! My name is Karen and I am a stay at home mom with two girls, ages seven and four. Needless to say, they keep me very busy. About nine months after my four year old was born, I decided it was time to make a change, a healthy change. I wanted to live a healthy lifestyle. This was a BIG change for me, but I had to do something. With that said, I joined Weight Watchers. I've been a member since May 2010. I have lost a total of 60 pounds. The weight was gradually coming off, but I needed to change up my exercise. After joining a gym, I signed up with a trainer, which lasted a short few months before she quit. I wasn't quite happy with her, and I wasn't sure what I was going to do especially since I still had a contract. The manager ended up signing me up with another trainer, which was a blessing in disguise. I never worked so hard in my life, and I really liked seeing the changes of my body. I also looked into other classes at the gym. The machines were getting a bit boring, so I wanted to try other things. I started a class called Les Mills Body Combat, and after the first class, I fell in love! I absolutely loved it! About a month or so after that I wanted to do more strength training. Once a week with my trainer wasn't enough. Again, I found another class called Les Mills Body Pump and fell in love with that class too!

Between the classes and my personal trainer, I was building my strength, endurance, and stamina. I was sleeping great, eating healthy, and feeling really good especially about myself. This activity continued and I was making progress each month. In November 2012, I started having some shoulder pain. I wasn't sure what I did, but the pain wasn't going away. I took some time off from the gym to see if that would help, and just doing things around the house hurt my shoulder too. I finally decided to see an orthopedic doctor in January 2013, and after x-rays and an MRI they discovered I had a labral tear in my shoulder. I had to stop the activity that I was doing at the gym, which that in itself was devastating to me. I continued to go to the gym, but not being able to take my classes or work with my trainer became very frustrating. As each week passed, I noticed I wasn't going to the gym as often, and I was starting to make excuses for myself. As this time was passing, I was also starting to put weight back on. The doctor decided I needed surgery. I had the surgery, and then went to physical therapy for twelve weeks. I had the surgery in May 2013, finished therapy in July 2013, and in August I got the OK from my doctor that I could slowly get back into the classes I was taking before my injury.

I did just that, but because of fear taking over, I continued to only go a few days a week vs six days like I used to do. At this point I had gained 25 pounds back. I was feeling really crappy about myself, not liking the way I looked, and decided I needed to get off my rear and get these 25 pounds off! So, with the help from my husband, who bought me my fitbit for Christmas, it has motivated me to start my journey and get this weight off. As of January 1st, I started using my fitbit, got connected with MFP, and I love it! I have been focused on my food intake along with my exercise, and I'm beginning to feel real good about myself again. I'm hoping for a positive outcome, and one thing I learned from this is to NOT feel sorry for yourself after an injury. If anything, continue to work, but modify your workouts and avoid the injured area.

I'm looking forward to my journey ahead, and as excited as I am to get to my goal weight, I will be patient, work hard, and keep at it no matter how hard it gets. Believe me, I know it gets hard, it IS hard, and it always will be hard. I just need to stay focused and determined, and with all this hard work, it will pay off!


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member

    You've had quite the journey. I LOVE Combat And Pump!

    Glad your shoulder is healed and you are ready to go again !!!!

    I'm 48 and have a 4 and 6 year old. We have a few things in common
