Having another go - Wish me luck

Hi everyone,
I've decided to have another go at dropping the weight.

I want (NEED) to lose 25kgs to sit in my ideal weight range. If this doesn't work I don't know what I will do :( so I guess not working isn't an option for me. My biggest downfall is time - I find it difficult to make time to do a great deal of exercise. (Plus, I am lazy and unfit and have more aches and pains in my body than I wish to acknowledge).

I work full time and it is a desk job, so there's little opportunity to do much at work. With a 45 minute commute to and from work, by the time I get home it can be after 7pm and I am exhausted. I really need to be held accountable for my diet and eating plan and constantly motivated, plus remove all temptation from the pantry and fridge (not that there's much there, since we eat quite healthy at home already, probably just too much in portion sizes).

So I am here, nibbling on grapes and drinking my Mean Green reboot juice and pouring my heart out online to you guys.

I wish each and everyone of you success along your journey. 2014 IS OUR YEAR!!!



  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Hi and good luck :) We all need some encouragement and a push once in a while. Friend request sent
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,302 Member
    You can do it.

    There's really not much more that that.

    Make a decision. Do that.