Any other ladies have PCOS?



  • NaughtyNurse89
    NaughtyNurse89 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes. As one OP mentioned, low carb dieting is the only way for me to lose and maintain goal weight. Before I had my son it was much easier to lose. Now I'm struggling hard. Ive only lost 17 lbs since having him and he'll be 1 next month.
  • Moosh514
    Moosh514 Posts: 6 Member
    I've had PCOS for 10 years now. I gained roughly 100 lbs within 6 months, which is where my Dr. found out that I had the issue. It has caused many issues for me from bursting, painful cysts, to surgeries to have 12" cysts removed, and now an ablation to try to reduce the chances of cysts. I have been working off and on to lose that 100lbs that I have gained, but my Dr. recently told me it is quite frankly going to be very hard because they just don't know enough yet about the disease to have a set way to help women lose the weight. Fortunately, my husband has been supportive and within the last week we made a HUGE switch to the Paleo diet. This has truly started to work for me, and I have seen some even bigger results. The Dr. also put me on Phentermine which I love. It keeps my energy up, and helps me get through my workouts at the end of the day.

    I had a lot of fertility issues when my husband and I were first trying to get pregnant, but what I figured out that worked best for me, was to get on a low dose birth control for six months to correct my cycle and my hormones. Within two months of coming off, I was able to get pregnant. I did have a cyst the size of a softball throughout that pregnancy that we had to watch closely, but we both made it out healthy.

    This disease, like any other, is going to be a battle. It isn't going to be easy to overcome, and isn't going to necessarily go away with weight loss and a lifestyle change, but I do believe that things will get better and I will feel better about myself when I get there.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I have it. I managed to get to goal weight but I had to go fairly low-cal and low-carb to get there. I just recently saw an article someone posted on here about how women with PCOS really do have significantly slower metabolisms than most women. It's somewhat common, too; about 1 in 10 women have PCOS.
  • mary_ann_76
    mary_ann_76 Posts: 5 Member
    I was diagnosed about 14 years ago. Since that time, I tried almost any type of eating a nd exercise plan given to me, but nothing worked for more than a couple of pounds. If I stopped working out, I would gain instantly. I was not eating bad foods overall and you think the exercise would help...

    Early April, I had my yearly checkup with my new doc. I basically gold him that I am tired of fighting my body and need serious help. He suggested two things. First, bariatric surgery (it turns out I don't qualify) and second, eat s paleo diet for 30 days and reassess then. Of course keep exercising. He had seen wonderful results with PCOS patients with this method.

    I was doubtful that paleo would work, but for 30 days I gave it my all. I noticed having more energy and felt great within the first week. My energy has gone up dramatically, I don't feel th a t awful bloated nasty feeling that I would get after eating potatoes, pastas, pizzas, and bread. I did strict paLeo for 30 days and now include some dairy. I have lost 30lbs since mid April and I am eatin g good, clean, whole foods.

    If it worked for me, it might work for you too!