a good workout plan?

Monday: Butt and legs
Tuesday: Abs and back
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Butt and legs
Friday: Abs and arms
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: Rest

Does this seem okay? I want to build muscle, but is this enough? Do i need more rest?


  • ZB17
    ZB17 Posts: 92 Member
    Seems pretty good, but then again, it depends what you're doing each day. How long is each work out? What exercises are you doing? How many reps?
  • You have enough rest since you want rest times between muscle groups, which you have

    I am trying to build muscle too,
    this is what I am doing 2-3x a week I do a full body workout with a little cardio thrown in.
    Workout includes body weight exercises plus dumbbells (5-10lb range currently), I am planning on starting barbells next month

    I am also trying to swim everyday which will help me get fit and a learn to run 5k program. I do the 5k program after weights or on an alternate day, just depends what my schedule is like. Also other physical activities (skiing, tai chi, karate, walking)

    There are lots of resources to find out how much is enough, I use bodybuilding.com as a resource plus books from the library.

    People on MFP recommend, New Rules of Lifting for Women, strong lifts 5x5(something like that cant remember the exact name)
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    What exercises are you doing? How much are you eating? Will determine if you're gaining muscle. If you're doing any compound lifts (especially squats, deadlifts) I wouldn't worry much about Abs, those exercises work much better than crunches or sit ups ever could. If you want to exercise the core, I would add planks, L-sits instead.

    SS and Stronglifts are good basis for anyone to start strength training and to add muscle. I highly recommend it. You don't need to worry about weight at the start, just use the bar and make sure the have proper form on all the lifts required.