Master Cleanse, I think I'll try it...

incubusaddict Posts: 16
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Well, I know that this is a common topic of debate and discussion.. I have gone through and read as many of the articles and posts that I can find as possible. I think that I would really like to give it a try. Weight loss is NOT my primary goal, since i know that is a biggg issue, I would just really like to feel healthier and more energetic. Lately I have been soo tired for no reason. By doing my own research and also being a bio-chem pre-health major, I've evaluated the situation. I am confident that no harm, at least can come from this, and I'm very hopeful of the results. I was wondering if anyone who has successfully gone about the master cleanse can share some information with me. I know the basics, however, I would love to hear about your personal progress, results and problems with the master cleanse. Thanks for your time!

*I should add what my biggest fear is...
-The salt water flush... I don't have 3 hours and a personal bathroom- I feel it would be beneficial, however, I don't know if it can fit into my lifestyle...


  • Well, I know that this is a common topic of debate and discussion.. I have gone through and read as many of the articles and posts that I can find as possible. I think that I would really like to give it a try. Weight loss is NOT my primary goal, since i know that is a biggg issue, I would just really like to feel healthier and more energetic. Lately I have been soo tired for no reason. By doing my own research and also being a bio-chem pre-health major, I've evaluated the situation. I am confident that no harm, at least can come from this, and I'm very hopeful of the results. I was wondering if anyone who has successfully gone about the master cleanse can share some information with me. I know the basics, however, I would love to hear about your personal progress, results and problems with the master cleanse. Thanks for your time!

    *I should add what my biggest fear is...
    -The salt water flush... I don't have 3 hours and a personal bathroom- I feel it would be beneficial, however, I don't know if it can fit into my lifestyle...
  • alyfin
    alyfin Posts: 103
    I tried it, for the same reasons as you, and after careful thought and evaluation. I had to quit after five days because I got extremely sick. I had severe migraines, nausea, and aching muscles that started the second day. I do plan to do it again, but under a doctors care. That is my recommendation to you.

    I do know people who have done minor cleanses after traveling to third world countries who have been fine.
  • alyfin
    alyfin Posts: 103
    If you want to feel healthier and more energetic try doing more cardio, and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and less desserts and alcohol. That always does to trick for me. :smile:

    Good luck with whichever path you take.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I've been doing 5 days of cardio per week, 1 hour each session, since January 31st.

    Before exercising, it was near impossible for me to wake up despite having 8 hours of sleep per night. I would go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 2:30pm. I would be tired until 4:00pm, do my daily chores, and crash at 2am.

    Now that I do cardio on schedule, I wake up early and I'm not groggy. I have energy to last me throughout the day as well. Today when I woke up I headed straight downstairs and started to wipe off my counters rather than crash on my couch and watch daytime television.

    Carbs and more cardio will energize you...not flushing out your insides with salt water.

    I wish you luck no matter what road you decide to take.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I haven't done it but a close friend has and she felt GREAT after....
    During the fast she did have some bathroom issues...was even up at night
    BUT she swears she feels the best she ever has and is considering doing another cleanse

    Let us know if u give it a try...

  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    I did this last year, lost 9lbs in 10 days, but you will probably, almost definitely gain back because it will be mostly water weight, but you said you werent doing it for that so that shouldnt matter, as far as detoxifying it works, the frist 5 days are disgusting. your breath smells and your tongue is coated with yuck, and your face will probably break out, and you will be dizzy the first day or so on and off, but after day 4-5 you WILL get energy and you will notice everything I just mentioned clearing up, which is nice, because you can actually watch the process of your body eliminating nastiness. As far as the saltwater the first 45 minutes to hour will have you on the toilet, however after that it will not "run" out if you feel you need to go you will be able to go without your body letting loose, just DO NOT try to pass gas the first couple hours after the flush because it will run then!:embarassed: tmi I know but just to warn. One really nice thing to know during this is you can have peppermint tea as well, and after drinking the lemonade all day long you will be glad to have it!! good luck!! p.s the lemonade is actually good, despite what the ingredients sound like.:tongue: Oh and one other thing! I was on my period the last 3 days of this and had NO pms symptoms whatsoever! ahh now that was nice!
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I've done it many times. I do it at least 3 times a year. The headaches and migraines are a fact-it'smostly related to the insuline decline from ridding yourself and your body of processed food and sugars.. The sea salt flush you have to do to protect your organs. It's sea salt not table salt. As for the peeing:happy: I was actually able to go to the bathroom. You pee more but not more urgently. The first 3 days are the most difficult. Your body is so used to junk and having it it goes crazy. I think any dietary change has this tough phase. Even if youa re just cutting calories or exercising more. The first few days are the toughest. I'm so PROUD of you for doing it for the right reasons and educating youself and making up your own mind-I'd be proud to have you as my MD or hollistic doctor anytime.

    The first 3 days are hell-but euphoria kicks in on day 4 and most people can finish out the last 3 days. You have to also follow the back to food tips. Don't go and get yourself a huge steak or whatever. Prepare to take liquid substinance and gradually introduce healthy food back into your diet. My mom and I cleansed the last time, we juiced a week following and then went into th South Beach system (mine vegetarian) to maintain healthy organs. I felt better, my hair grew like mad, and my skin was near flawless-then I got pregnant lol. Well it did something because it took 8 years to happen lol.
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