the fight is on!

Iv lost 7lb since jan 1st, but iv recently came to realise a few things about life, im always there for others, and I am constantly being firgitten about, bottom of other oeoples pile! And when im down, like last night, I normally reach for junk food, ill sneek it so other half doesnt know.
How does that get back at the oeople that treak me like crap. It doesnt, so iv realised, the best thing to do is just stop it! When im a skinny mini, that will be oushed back at them, I can be successful with out them, if I carry on snacking ill stay the same and know one will take notice.
Sorry if this seems like a long jumbled rant, but it helped to type it out, I can succeed in life, this is for me and my little boy, im going to be slimer and more full of energy so I can run around the park with him ( when he has took them 1st teps (11months))
Thanks for reading my rubbish lol, head feels clearer now.