Does diet coke aid in weight gain?



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.

    how do you know it causes cancer?

    'cause it's been repeated over and over on the Internet and that makes it true. That's how science works, right?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.

    how do you know it causes cancer?

    'cause it's been repeated over and over on the Internet and that makes it true. That's how science works, right?

    oh right….like if I tell myself over and over that ice cream is a calorie negative food then it will be true?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.

    how do you know it causes cancer?

    'cause it's been repeated over and over on the Internet and that makes it true. That's how science works, right?

    oh right….like if I tell myself over and over that ice cream is a calorie negative food then it will be true?

    But I only ate 5 pints! I'm an addict . . .
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.

    how do you know it causes cancer?

    'cause it's been repeated over and over on the Internet and that makes it true. That's how science works, right?

    oh right….like if I tell myself over and over that ice cream is a calorie negative food then it will be true?

    But I only ate 5 pints! I'm an addict . . .

    bro, you are a total sugar addict….seek immediate help
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I think it does different things to everyone. And maybe it just has to do with your mind set.

    I've drank a lot of it during my thinnest times and my heaviest. The difference is during my thinnest times I viewed it as a 'treat' and then was just content to have it. During my heavier times I have been on sugar binges and it just made me think about sugar more and when I was going to get my next sugar fix.

    I know for a fact that you can still lose weight because when I was a teen I used to drink a 2L of diet colas along with under 500 calories of food. Unhealthy - yes! but I did lose weight and was completely satisfied because I was getting my energy from the soda.

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.
    So, yes, or no?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I don't know.. I think it causes cancer, but then again so does your cell phone.. microwaves, computers, cars, and living in a city.. So ya know.. just board up your windows, stay inside, read a book, and hopefully the diet coke you drank doesn't make you gain weight..

    BTW your answer is no.. diet soda doesn't make you gain weight..