just saying hi

Hey guys! So glad I found this place! I have been using the food diary app sporadically for the past year, but the community seems great :-)

Anywho, I'm hoping to take off a few lbs (duh.) I gained a couple of lbs during the holidays, but in reality I'd like to get rid of about 10-12 lbs total. I love to be active (lots of distance running, surfing, climbing, you name it... I'll try anything.) But I love sweets too. Ugh!

I'm 5'5 and currently 136 lbs. Want to get down into the mid-120's and STAY there! My scale says I'm between 18.8 and 19.1% body fat, which I'm not totally sure is accurate, but I figure I'll be able to see changes (hopefully the right kind) even if the numbers aren't spot on. I am fairly muscular, but I tend to have a booty ;-) I'm a size 3/4 in jeans right now and would like to get down to a consistent 1/2 by summer.

So... that's me! Nice to "meet" you all!