anyone using wii fitness?

I have heard about Wii fitness and was wanting to know if anyone is using it and if its a good workout? Thinking about buying one


  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    My parents have a wii fit and I have used it several times...the games/activities are fun and it keeps track of calories lost & time spent. You can also use it to log meals and exercise (which MFP already does for you of course). It is definitely fun to use, but of course just as with anything else, it only works and shows results if you USE it and use it often :) Good luck!
  • amrie151
    Wii Fit is fun and is a good workout, but I prefer EA Sports Active for Wii as it provides a personal trainer to guide you through workouts. I love the 30 day challenge on Active and it is a great 20-30 minute workout that will have you sweating your butt off in no time!!
  • sharonuk10
    I second the Wii EA active sports over wii fit.. I think the EA one is a far better workout. wii fit is fun but not good workout in my opinion.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    You will love it I use my daughters and she is moving out. I already told her she is not taking it with her I love the free run, the step, the hoola hoop, are a few of my favs. Since I been using it I have been losing weight and inches. It's a great motivator. Get it you won't regreat it.
  • schoen185
    I love it! I go to the a gym that I got a great deal on mainly because it has child care...if I had someone to help with the kiddos while I did the wii I would just do it everyday - it never gets boring. I love the free step. A friend bought me the weights that go with it and I use them in a lot of the wii fit activites. You can even buy risers to make the step more difficult later down the road (although it still gets me sweating like crazy so I figure I don't need them yet lol).
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I totally agree I got a wii fit and use it everyday because if u can't make it to the gym it leaves me no excuse not to work out! I personally use the biggest loser game and love it by the time I'm done with my work out I'm dripping sweat. It is worth the money!
  • theatremack
    Do you already have a Wii? I do and I love the Wii "get physical" games, Wii Fit, EA Active, Jillian, Etc. But we were at the state fair the other day and they had the xbox 360 kinect - it was AMAZING!! It gets released in November and is all motion detected - so when you move at all it moves. You jump it jumps, so it's more sensitive then the Wii and they are going to have all kinds of workout games to go with it and they will be able to correct you if you do a move wrong - which will be nice. Anyhow if you have a Wii go for it get some of the fun physical games they have, but if not you might research the xbox 360 option.
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    Have Wii Fit, EA Active, Cardio Boxing, etc. They will all give you decent work outs if you use them regularly. I like the rhythm boxing exercises because it's a whole body engaged kinda thing. Beware though: In my experience the calories burned as counted by the Wii usually is about 25% higher than actual. If I use the Wii Fit for a workout now (or any of them) I only take credit for 2/3 of the calories burned so I'm being conservative in my credit.
  • txflowergirl
    I use wii fit plus with the balance board and love it! I like that it weighs me keeps track of how long I have exercised and how many calories burned, so it's easy to add it here.
    It also lets your put in exercises you want so you can just go to your trainer and hit start and it plays them all, or press favorites.
    And the sports and resorts games are great calories burner also.
    Just got the "your shape" for it also. Really like it too. has it on sale still I think .
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    No but I would LOVE one! We did the hoola hoop at a party recently and I loved that. They're still like £200 over here if you get the wii fit as well though, so maybe Santa will bring us one!
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    The wii fit plus upgrade is deff worth it. Lots more games to play. I really started losing when I got to the expert level on cycling, I loved it, felt like I was playing a game, yet I was sweating like a pig. Took me 54 mins the first to times, 'cause I couldn't find a stupid flag. Last time I tried it, it took me 34 mins. I loaned it to a friend who had the basic version, and nee
    d to get ot back.. I miss all my new features.

    I know people say active is a better workout, but a lot of it depends on which activities you choose. Also wii fit is more fun so your more likely to use it. two of my other friends got Active, but never use it. I use my wii fit all the time. Mainly aerobics and strength, but a few games to keep it fun.

    basically anything will work if you do it, so choose something your interested in, and you enjoy.
  • srobert510
    On rainy days I resort to Wii active and Wii fit. To me active is a much better workout, but for some reason I find the Wii fit more enjoyable. So I usually use both to some extent.