starting over yet again


I've been out of the loop for many many months but I'm back! Hopefully I can reach my goal this time. Well, let me retract that, I WILL reach my goal! I plan to lose 5 lbs a month for the next 6 months. 5,1 and 145lbs with 34% body fat :(
Horrible, I know, but I recently joined a 90 day fitness challenge at my gym which requires I work out at least 3 times a week. This challenge has me pumped as I generally do well with structured things.

Anyone else out there starting over?


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Welcome back! With only 15 lbs. to lose, .5 lb. per week is a healthier goal.

    Read this:
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    Not starting over, but continually trying to stay on top of the lifestyle. Which is what it should be. The challenge is great but I encourage you to think about what you'll do when it's over. Come up with a plan now so you know what you have to look forward to. I find with myself I'm great for a routine for about three months, then I get bored and I've never really planned for when I get bored, so, the weight comes back on. Or, I reach my first goal and the routine goes out the window. I encourage you to continue with a plan, and make this a lifestyle change for yourself :)
  • dsavittiere
    dsavittiere Posts: 1 Member
    Just stumbled on your post. Hope it's going good for you.... did you reach your goal? I am starting over as well. About 2 years ago, I hit the gym hard at 260lbs and lost 30lbs in 4 months... but I went on vacation and lost motivation..... now I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I started 2 weeks ago at 283lbs (OMG!) just watching what I eat and lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks... today I am hitting the gym for the first time in 2 years! I'm pretty excited. This time I will hit my goal of losing 80lbs! I want to get down to 190-200 lbs!
  • carolbaker000
    carolbaker000 Posts: 58 Member

    So many of us are here with you, going around the same loop.
    Its so easy not to maintain the changes through winter.

    Thing is, if you've done it before, you can do it again!!

    I'm trying a more sustainable path this time so I can maintain my weight without feeling I'm missing out on anything.
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    Hello, and best wishes to you,
    I'm looking at this as a life-long journey toward wellness. Winter seems to throw a dent in my best intentions. So I'm viewing it as a "3 steps forward, 1 step back" sort of thing. If I can "net" a good weight loss each year, I'm still ahead. And my overall eating habits have definitely changed permanently. So it's all good. Perfect? No. but still good.

    Again, best wishes!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Are you going to do anything different this time around to help you attain your goal?

    Welcome back!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    good advice! I too get bored after a challenge. This is my struggle! I will be thinking about my next plan of attack after my 90 day challenge
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Are you going to do anything different this time around to help you attain your goal?

    Welcome back!

    Not sure there is anything different I can do. I know how to lose the weight, its my motvation that is hard to keep up. Although I dont know why, I have a huge motivator since I am going to Hawaii this 4th of July Would love to get in a bikini again!

    I am going to check out "My Fit Foods" today and work their meals in to my diet. This is the only new things I am trying this go round
  • robinb07
    robinb07 Posts: 33 Member
    I wouldn't say starting over, but getting back on track after a couple week slump of being too busy with life to care about myself. Now it will take a few days to rebreak bad habits and get back to taking care of me!