Bob Harper's new weight lifting DVD

Anyone try this? I have done it twice and heree are my comments: First, I take exception to Bob's comment that you can do this tape every day. I'm not sure one should lift heavy weights every day because muscles need time to repair. I suppose if you used light weights throughout the dvd, maybe it could be done everyday. I have to switch out my weights when I do this DVD because some things I can do with heavier weights than others. Bob says he's not interested in one just throwing his or her body around, but there are times when I think that's what he does' Overall. it's a pretty good workout, but not my favorite. Don't try to keep up with his counting pace, just do what YOU can do' My heart rate doesn't stay elevated throughout this workout though there are sections when it does go up and then it lowers. I think it's a pretty good when you want to alternate addingt strenght training with cardio.