Treating yourself when you reach a goal

Hey, Ladies and Gents! I know a lot of people have things in mind that they want to get as a "congrats!" to themselves when they reach a goal. I want to hear what all of yours are!

I don't have any along the way, but when I reach my ultimate goal I'm treating myself to a tattoo that I want, that costs too much to just go do it without reason. :)


  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I can't wait to go buy a cute pair of jeans!!!!!!!!
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    At 20 pounds lost i went and got a pedicure and gel nails. Next 20 maybe a hair cut
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    For me its a treat knowing that I can get into my clothes that didnt fit me for a while. But I will be buying a good HRM to say well done to myself!!!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    I go off when the middle number changes. I bought myself a new top the last two times it changed. Next time I'm getting my hair done. At 50lbs, it will be a tattoo :) I haven't come up with anything for the big goal. . . other than I will probably need a lot of new clothes!
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    Each time I meet a goal, I try to reward myself with fitness oriented things. A new sports bra or matching exercise outfit, a workout DVD or small piece of equipment like some hand weights, and recently, a heart rate monitor (which is amazing and I'm so glad I got one!). My next gift to myself is to go get fitted for some new running shoes when I reach my next goal. My journey here hasn't been about weight loss very much, but is more about changing and strengthening my body, so I have tried to keep my rewards geared towards my health. I like it; it keeps me going and benefits my lifestyle change all at the same time!