weight loss please help !!!

can anyone help me..... Im trying to lose weight and i burnt like 1,400 calories on friday, but i put on 1 pound and i have been really good eating no more than 1,200 calories, I need to know if I have to up my calorie intake more and how often and how long should I be exercising as I have been doing 5 days a week exercise but its not working as i put 1 pound on and 3 inches !! and i have been really working hard i need help to understand it , also i have read loads of different things like stay away from fruit, exercise 3 times a week , dont exercise im so confused and i want to lose weight .I am unfortunately aged 26 5 ft 2 and weigh 210 pounds
I am desperate for good advice.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Okay, slow down.

    First, would you be comfortable opening your diary to us? It really helps to give advice if we can see what you're eating vs. what you're burning.

    Second, weight loss is never a linear process. Even if you're doing everything right you are still going to have days where the scale goes up. These are natural fluctuations and it sounds like you're likely holding onto some extra water weight if you've been exercising that much. Our bodies flood sore muscles with fluid to help cushion and repair them when we start a new exercise program, which masks any fat loss that's happening. You need to give your body some time to get used to the new routine before you decide whether or not it's working.

    Third, how are you estimating your calories burned? 1400 sounds like a lot unless you ran a 5k or something. If you're using MFP/gym machine estimate you need to be wary of overestimation.

    Fourth, did MFP set you a 1200 calorie goal or did you choose it yourself? 1200 calories seems too little for someone who's working out as much as you are and if you're using MFP's goals it expects you to log your exercise and eat back at least a portion of the extra calories you earn. It may be slower than you like, but it helps to protect your body from the stresses of dieting. This is going to have to be a long term project, so don't burn yourself out now but going too hard.

    Fifth and final thought, I think this link would be a good starting point for you. It's a lot of reading (and all of the linked posts are worth reading, too) but it has a lot of good information for you and should answer some of your questions: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants