achy and sore after very limited exercise or activity

I've been doing a lot of household type work, such as carrying in heavy tile and other materials for a bathroom remodel 400 feet from the truck, etc, as well as some walking lately. I have mild muscle aches pretty much all over that aren't bad enough to keep me from doing "regular" activity, but still, I notice it.

It seems to have actually gotten worse, instead of better, as I've lost weight. Anyone else experience this?

FWIW I am theorizing that due to losing weight without enough exercise, that I might have lost some muscle mass, and the recent activity is straining muscles that have actually weakened a bit due to my weight loss...not sure if that has any merit.


  • bellanean
    Do you normally do strength training in the gym? If not, that is probably why, carrying around and doing the stuff your doing is more like lifting weights and not cardio so working your muscles, which explains why your sore.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Could be just the run of the mill over exertion if it has been a while since you did any heavy lifting and carrying. Doing it day after day will hurt a bit for a few days. At least you don't have the extra 20 pounds of body weight too! Try to do some stretching followed by a hot bath with epsom salt.

    Have fun on the re-model! Good Luck!
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I second the epson salt bath idea. I had sore muscles last spring when the new softball season started, and the warm epson salt bath worked for me to take down some of the soreness.
  • rockinright
    Certainly could be that, but it seems to pop up at weird times.