patellofemoral pain syndrome

I used to run~OK maybe "run" isn't the best term, in the Marine Corps we'd call it a "Recon Shuffle" fairly slow pace for long distance. Mid 90/s I started getting some knee pain and doc said it was patellofemoral syndrome though he didn't do any testing of any sort. I still get some knee pain just below the knee cap IIRC when walk on occasion.

My question: Is there any sort of real testing done, has anyone here been absolutely diagnosed with this, and is there anything to help? I've tried some braces on occasion but nothing really helped much. I'm a big guy 6'2" 232 and wear Brooks Beast shoes for motion control would like to start doing some jogging/slow running with some short sprints again just gain some "wind".

Thank you in advance,


  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Hey, Jim.

    From one Marine to another, thank you for your service.

    I've had some off/on knee pain in the same spot that you've mentioned. They told me it was tendonitis and to take some Motrin and stay off of it…. Yeah, right….

    What has really helped me was changing my running style. I used to be a huge heel striker and I took the past 2 years transitioning to a forefoot strike. I used Newton brand shoes to accomplish this. Within the first week my pain was nearly gone.

    I still get some pain if I squat a lot or try to run too far too fast. I've also watched A LOT of self massage videos on youtube. Seriously, it sounds corny but they have helped so much to stretch out the tendon running right under the knee. I also have focused on making sure that my quads, calves and hamstrings are bearing equal loads. I am now doing leg day twice per week to ensure that my muscles are properly stabilizing my knee and boy, has it helped.

    I know I didn't really answer your question but I just think maybe you could try some of this at home conditioning. Lastly, I started taking yoga to make sure that the muscles in my legs were limber and not putting undo stress on my knee.

    Good luck!
  • MaquisJim
    MaquisJim Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Jarhead,
    I've generally been something of a forefoot/flatfoot sort of runner, not a heel striker at all...usually wear down the sides and front of the soles before the heels..

    I will check the massage stuff~I've never done a lot of squats but when I did I never had any associated knee pain...may be worth hitting those kinds of exercises to strengthen the knee area?

    I've been out of USMC for nearly 30 years now I guess ~ 2/10 2dMarDiv
    Semper Fi