My 30 day challange

Good beautiful Saturday morning to everyone. I am here and starting a 30 day challenge for myself because I fell off the wagon really hard and it hurts badly. I gained 10 pounds!!! I can not believe it. Honestly I would love to lose these 10 in September alone, but I know that is a hard thing to do, to lose 2 pounds a week. I am going to concentrate really hard to stay away from all candy and just eat good healthy foods and start week 4 of my half-marathon training on Monday. Until then I am just kinda picking and choosing which workout to do.

I started eating healthy again yesterday and I got in a really good workout done with Tony Horton's One on One ARX2 and strength training. Today I plan to do BBL Bum Bum, have not done that one in a while. Not sure what tomorrow will bring yet.

I do plan to lose 1 pound a week and if I lose more then fantastic. I would like to be in the 160's again before my birthday. Here is to a new start and to feeling and looking good again. :bigsmile:


  • weightlessness
    Good luck! Falling off the wagon is crap, but the feeling you get when you pull yourself up off the floor? It's priceless.
  • ndm531
    ndm531 Posts: 33 Member
    Good for you Jennifer - recognizing a need to make healthier choices when you have only gained 10 lbs. I usually wait until I have gained 100. Your post made me realize just how important it is to make real life changes, not just temporary ones. I can't get too confident as I lose, I need to stay really dilligent.

    Sounds like you have a great plan for September (and beyond). I'll look forward to seeing your success!

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay, I have not posted in a few days and have not been doing really good. I am having a hard time finding my motivation. It has been lost somewhere and does not want to come back. I have actually gained 10 pounds back and am very frustrated about it, since my clothes are starting to get tight again. I can still get into my favorite jeans, but they are pretty snug. I do want to lose the weight, but just don't have to ambition to do something about it. I am also having some terrible lower back pain this week, so have not been able to do much at all. I am going to try to take a short walk this afternoon, at least it will be better than nothing. I am just afraid that I will make it worse, but I really want to get out and do something. I am not sure what happened to make it hurt, but it is not stopping. I can't stand straight up and it is hard for me to sleep. I am moving like my grandmother. A little hunched over and very slow. I did do some stretching today and when I get home from work will do them again. I really do want and need to lose these 10 pounds and keep them off. I had maintained for several months and then fell WAY off the wagon. I need to get back on and stay on.

    Thanx for listening. I just needed to get this off my chest. Have a great afternoon everyone. :bigsmile: