Antihistamines and weight loss

I've just read some disturbing things about how antihistamines can inhibit weight loss or even cause weight gain. I have to take either Benadryl or Zyrtec often because of nasal allergies. This is also a professional issue since I am a musician and the nasal allergies cause laryngitis. So there are times I absolutely have to take them.

I had suspected that they perhaps caused me to retain fluids, and possibly to not eliminate well (poop), and what I am reading confirms that. But I am also reading that they increase appetitie and can slow metabolism. Wow!

What are your experiences with these drugs and others like them?


  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Meh. There seems to be a slight correlation from what I could pull down quickly, but that doesn't mean they actually do any of those things. The more sedating ones (old class antihistamines like Benedryl) might cause you not to burn as much through NEAT activity because they cause sedation. No big surprise there.

    If you need your Zyrtec, take it. I take some most days and haven't noticed any troubles with weight gain or loss.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,224 Member
    I take Benadryl and Zyrtek for allergies. I find they work very well (Benadryl makes me sleepy though). I don't think they make a dang bit of difference for weight loss. At least I don't notice any difference related to anything other than caloric intake vs output.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I read the same thing about Alka Seltzer!! I LOVE that shizzz!!!
  • tbullucks06
    I read the same thing about antihistimines but I never noticed a difference when taking them or not and I have tried both. I suggest you don't suffer with allergies and just take them.