"Manly" Women Unite!



  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    Women are hot PERIOD!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.

    This thread was started yesterday as a tongue-in-cheek response to the several threads started by women who don't want to pick up any weight in fear of turning into a body builder overnight. The women here are just showing what actually happens when you lift.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.

    I feel that being a woman is about being a person who happens to have a vagina. I can be a woman however I want. I don't need to fit any archaic definition of "femininity" that I don't want to fit. If I want to wear dresses and makeup I will. If I don't want to, I won't. It's not a crisis when people start thinking for themselves.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    I lift like a guy....but i am truly ALL woman!!!!
  • moment_to_arise
    moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
    Came looking for manly woman. Found hotties instead.


    Shirtless David Tennant?? OH YES

    yea im still on this amazing gif..... there need to be more shirtless david tennant gifs in the world.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.

    No? He might start an "I'm not a misogynistic douche" thread. Wonder who that would be shaming?
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.

    Hahaha. Do you live under a rock? There is a HUGE androgynous (straight) men subculture out there. Not to mention "metrosexuals" who get manicures, pedicures, Vidal Sassoon haircuts and other things that were previously reserved for just women.

    Just because they don't start a post on here (I'm sure we can dig up a waxing and eyebrow plucking post), doesn't mean it's not on a forum somewhere.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.

    No one gives a s#it about what you think being a woman is about. And your threads are always "beta", to use your own term.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am sick and tired of reading that girls with muscles are manly. If you personally do not like it, then don't attempt it!

    I work my freaking *kitten* off trying to build muscle. As a woman who doesn't use steroids to do so it is a VERY slow process. It takes time, effort and dedication. To hear other women fret about looking "manly" and how they don't want to wake up one day ripped to shreds with bulging muscles is very insulting, naive, uneducated, etc, etc, etc.....

    Please educate yourselves before making broad generalizations about a body type that you seem to know nothing about nor wish to attain.

    Here are my "manly" muscles. I am quite proud of what I have accomplished in just one year of lifting. I look like this flexed, but unflexed you wouldn't really notice my arms....just saying.


    End rant.

    Gawd. So freaking manly. Look at those incredible biceps and shoulders! Disgusting! :sick:

    Lol! J/k! You look wonderful! :wink:
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    Allllright, let's just get back to pictures, shall we?? Geez.

    Work hard, play hard. Man up. ;)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Allllright, let's just get back to pictures, shall we?? Geez.

    Work hard, play hard. Man up. ;)

    :love: :love: :love:
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    I was one of those women who thought weight lifting was for men and that women with the muscle tone was just not what I wanted to be. I wanted to be model skinny. Being on the MFP has really changed my views. Thank you ladies for consistently sharing your progress with us. :flowerforyou:
    My husband and I are going to invest in weights and the books mention around the forums. We are going to compete to see who can be more manly. :laugh:
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Please point out said comments. Being proud of your own body doesn't count as body shaming if no other body types are mentioned as less superior. I saw none of that anywhere. If someone takes offense to us being proud of our strong bodies that we worked for then that is an indication of their own insecurities. That's my take on it at least.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Hell on this site the body shaming doesn't stop.

    I agree with OP. I love what lifting has done to my body and yes I have been called "manly". That being said, if body shaming is wrong then there are a few comments on this thread that are out of line and body shaming also. I guess it is ok if it isn't happening to you...

    Exactly. This is why I didn't start an "Effeminate" Men Unite! thread.

    I was confused why "Manly" Women would be a selling point. Maybe it was meant to be sensationalistic for clicks. Why embrace the label of "Manly" if you are a woman? I feel that being a woman is about femininity. I perceive a femininity crisis in Western culture.

    Heterosexual men, no matter how beta they are, would never start an "Effeminate" Men Unite thread.

    You don't seem to know what the quotations around manly represented.....if you did you would have realized I was defending those of us that some deem "manly" (there are those pesky quotations again just fyi)
  • Greg50by50
    Women who work out are awesome.

    I'm married, but I find fit, strong women to be very attractive.

    I used to work out with my sister in law and we motivated each other.

    People who judge women who build muscle as unattractive are probably intimidated by strong women.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    OP Thanks for this thread, I really needed some motivation today :flowerforyou:
  • Greg50by50
    I am assuming the word "manly" is a bit of sarcasm directed at the people who criticize women who are strong right?

    Being strong and being female are two traits that were never meant to be exclusive of each other.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I am assuming the word "manly" is a bit of sarcasm directed at the people who criticize women who are strong right?

    Being strong and being female are two traits that were never meant to be exclusive of each other.

    Yes, there were a few threads yesterday that contained females afraid to use weights higher than 3lbs and 5lbs for fear of bulking up (haha). This was my own response to those threads. I expected some haters (which showed themselves just in the last page or so) but overall it has gone well.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I lift and I really don't care what people think about it. To each his/her own. I'm in it for me, not anyone else. As for the comments that were referred to, there was one about wimpy chicks and one about skinny girls look good in clothes, etc., and one about girls that are afraid to lift are probably too lazy. If this thread is about celebrating women who lift, then celebrate women who lift without commenting about anyone else. Just my 2 cents.