Are you eating 1200 calories a day?



  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    Bump for mickiedawn
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think if everyone would see what their maintenance calories are with a calculator, such as the one of those pasted below, they would then realize that 1200 calories is not a set in stone number and also, they would realize that you CAN eat the calories given to you and still lose because you are still significantly below the calories you would need to maintain.

    The first one is pretty cool. You can figure out your maintenance calories and also the deficit you would need for weight loss and significant weight loss.

    Keep in mind that they are all a little different, so just average them out. But, it does give you a good idea of where you are at and what you need to do for YOUR body.

    I think tam, you may be starting to feel the frustration that some of us "ole timers" feel. It's the nature of a post board to keep having to repost things, but it still becomes frustrating after a while. :happy:
    After a while you get used to it, but it still gnaws at you from time to time. People who first come on here are sometimes looking for drastic changes, not realizing that doing anything body related that causes drastic changes can only have serious consequeces.
    It's like Newton's 3rd law "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" this is SOOOOO true with the metabolism, the key is to keep the actions small and spaced out so the reactions to it aren't so horrible and difficult to deal with. Loose 20 lbs in 2 weeks and your body might just get pissed off and want to eat everything in sight for the next 2 weeks.

    I don't know if it's so much a frustration thing but more just wanting people to be good to themselves and not suffer, you know? I was going below my net calories for awhile without even realizing it or thinking about it because I was burning like 700 calories a day and then only consuming like 1500. But, once it hit me what I was doing, I have upped my calories and am doing fine.

    But, I refuse to suffer and starve anymore and the great thing about a healthy weight loss plan is that you don't have to and that realization is a beautiful thing.

    Just treat your bodies well, eat foods good for it and that will help fuel you, exercise, limit your calories ENOUGH but not too much, and you will lose weight.
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    Thanks so much for the information......It was a question I was mulling around in the back of my brain. :huh:
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Thanks Bubba!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Lol, bubba! Where does that one come from I wonder?

    The guys on my baseball team used to call me David Wells cuz he was an overweight lefty pitcher
    here is a picture:

    now they call me Casey Fosum because he is an UNDER weight lefty pitcher:

    I would never wear my hair like that though, Man he looks like a 70's porn star!:noway:
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    I got in the habit of calling male friends Bubba when I worked for Naval it's a compliment, nothing to do with weight or Baseball.

    Did you want me to start calling you "Casey Fosum" "South Paw"?
  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member
    I'm glad you posted this, Banks. I was being a littlle paranoid this week that I have my calories set too high (claiming a lightly active lifestyle when my new desk job might actually put me in the sedentary range during the weeks...). After reading your post though I'm just going to stick with what I've got and see what happens.

    Regardless of any numbers, I know that I have made a SIGNIFICANT change in my lifestyle and eating habits. I'm only about 15 pounds heavier than I would like to be, but I was eating such incredible crap and didn't really even realize it. So whether or not I see results right away, I'm confident that this is good for my body no matter what. It doesn't seem that I could have changed this much and NOT see results, though!! So not too worried now that I really think about it. :wink:

    ps - This website rocks, I think I'm addicted... it's like I gave up cigarettes only to become addicted to health instead :laugh:
  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275
    Hey Banks....I always enjoy reading your advise.....

    I found this interesting because I have been off the exercise routine all week and not stayed totally within my calorie range....which btw is 1200. I am 5'7 and have weighed in this week at 133....which is actually down a pound this week. I had leveled off for a few weeks. Funny how that works. I used to do weight watchers and noticed the same thing....sometimes it the weeks you are "bad" in the middle of all the good weeks that you actually loose.

    Keep the good thoughts coming!!

    :drinker: Ali