Do cardio after weight training days or on days in between

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
For maximum muscle, do your cardio directly after your lifting or on the following day, never prior to.Cardio fatigues muscles, leaving them too tired to do strength training to the best of your ability Doing cardio with a fatigued body doesn't matter because you're going for heart-rate response, not speed. (If running harder is one of your goals, however, your body will be positioned to run farther, faster if you wait at least a day after lifting weights.) muscles undergo microscopic damage after a workout and need about 48 hours to repair themselves (becoming stronger and larger), but the back-to-back days of stress won't interfere with your strength gains.


  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    How do you feel about doing sprints between weight sets?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    How do you feel about doing sprints between weight sets?

    I see people doing it in the gym, for my goals I wouldn't. I don't wat to put that kind of stress and fatigue on my body when i'm about to squat 200lbs.....I would be too tired. It would depend solely onyour goals, are you lifting for size and strength? lifting to tone, or general muscle wellness? For my needs and my desired results, which is now to build a little more in my glutes and to bump up my strength, I would never mix in cardio with my weight time. Now on a crossfit day, you are mixing weight bearing exercises with cardio ones and that method can work really's all dependant on what your final outcome is for that particular workout onthat day.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks ... Yeah, my workouts are for tone mostly. I am going to switch it up though and do my weights first and then light cardio after the workouts from now on. I will do 1 off day for weights where it's just cardio (which was last night).

    I HATE HATE HATE doing cardio and it's such a chore to get in there and do it. Thankfully I go to a small "trainers" gym where people are all there to work out and work out hard. Not so much of a fashion show ... that makes it easier for me to get the job done.

    Thanks for posting this !
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