Deli / Eating out calories

I sometimes go to the Italian restaurant near my work for lunch to pick up salads when I'm feeling bored with my usual lunches but I never know how many calories to put in as they put so many random things in it. I picked up a salad today that had pasta and chicken and roasted vegetables but I'd have no idea of the quantity. This must be a common problem for people so what do you do? What I've been doing so far is putting something like 'chicken rice salad' and then going with the most calorific version and putting a portion and a half in to cover my bases.


  • richard3263
    richard3263 Posts: 15 Member
    I've done the same from time to time and it's not a bad compromise but more often I enter every ingredient I find during the meal into my phone to calculate later. This has the added advantage of teaching me to eat slower. You will often find that some restaurant menus are incredibly detailed in their meal descriptions so will list every possible ingredient in an attempt to make the dish sound more appealing. This allows you enter standard quantities into your food diary even though the dish probably contained a fraction of this amount so hopefully you'll always be erring on the side of caution. Having said all that I have often explained the reason to the waiter and got him to ask the chef and have never had the request refused or been made to feel awkward.