Calories and breastfeeding

I am one of those people who never lose weight while breastfeeding. My 3rd child is now 7 months old and we are still nursing.
I have read so much conflicting information. I'm either eating too many calories or too little which is causing me to hold on to the weight. My total intake of calories for a day is usually around 1700-2000. My daughter only eats about 20 ounces a day so at the most 400 calories are burned. Leaving me in the net 1300-1600 range a day.. That was my normal consumption before pregnancy etc. I don't gain or lose any weight like this. I'm starting to add running to my daily or every other day activity and burning 600 calories at least 3 times a week. Am I doing something wrong? I have tried 3 different times to lose weight in the last 6 months and each time I gain weight instead. I know I wasn't drinking enough water so I have added 10 glasses of water a day to my diet. Should I aim lower for calories or higher?