Fussy eater...

Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help/suggestions on what to eat for meals and snacks, I'm a fussy eater and quite lazy when it comes to cooking. I like almost all vegetables and I love pasta, potatoes things like that. I struggle with meat though, I don't like much meat except the stuff that's usually pretty bad for you e.g. burgers, lasagne, sausages, breaded or battered chicken lol. I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with some suggestions on what I could eat as I'm trying to lose weight and am getting bored of eating the same things.

thanks x


  • All meat is good for you in moderation, I eat burgers, lasagne, sausages, breaded or battered chicken all the time. Just watch your portion sizes (most servings given are actually much too large) and account for the calories.

    Switch potatoes to yams or sweet potato for higher nutritional content, cauliflower for mashed potatoes. Pastas can be switching for whole wheat, kamut, etc. Again its all about portion sizes and calories. I would also attempt to make your own breaded chicken etc.

    I love beef and pork, I would eat that over chicken any day.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Grow up and grab a cookbook. You sound like your 5 years old. "I'm a picky eater".
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I sound pretty much the same as you, and here are some of my staples:

    Butter noodles: Whole grain thin spaghetti with a tbsp of butter and a tbsp of shredded parmesan cheese. About 300 calories

    "Protein shake" (not really but that's what I call it): 2 tbsp peanut butter, a glass of ice, cup of milk, 3/4 tbsp of cocoa powder, 2 tsp sugar. Just like a chocolate milkshake! About 350 calories

    Chicken dish: Baked chicken breast with a little melted butter sprinkled with a zesty Italian packet, cut up red potatoes, broccoli, and carrots and top with a little melted butter, salt, and pepper. 350 degrees for about an hour. I usually do the veggies and chicken in different dishes because the chicken is done quicker than the veggies. About 350 calories for a good size serving.

    Roasted veggie mac & cheese: http://www.thecomfortofcooking.com/2013/02/spicy-roasted-vegetable-macaroni-and-cheese.html

    And then there's always cereal :)
  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    Grow up and grab a cookbook. You sound like your 5 years old. "I'm a picky eater".

    There's no need to be rude...
  • OneEyedFrank
    OneEyedFrank Posts: 3 Member
    Grow up and grab a cookbook. You sound like your 5 years old. "I'm a picky eater".

    Why don't you go **** yourself?