calorie burns via P90X (unusually) high?

Hello all,
I've been doing the P90X regiment for basically three full weeks now and I am feeling great but am a little confused. I've been eating properly and logging everything faithfully. I've lost 8 lbs and am still feeling great. My confusion comes from the fact that even though my weight is dropping, my calorie burns are still 750-900, with last night a whopping 952 burned in the Chest and Back w/ Ab Ripper X disk. I'm 5'11" and still 205 lbs so I am still a bit overweight. Now that I weigh less and my muscles are more attuned to the motions, it seems the burns should be getting fewer, no? I'm using a Polar FT7 HRM. I am sweating pretty good and I am "bringing it" (jealousy is a hell of a motivator)j I just see other fit people post numbers from their workouts and its a half or even a third of what I burn. Am I thinking too much about this? Is there some unofficial rule that you don't log prolonged workouts?


  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't know but am totally jealous. The only time I came close to that was when I was feeling "sprite" and did plyo and kenpo back to back
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Have you updated your settings in your HRM recently? I try to adjust mine for every 10 I lose.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Remember, HRMs do not accurately calculate calorie burns from strength training. I would guess that your burn is considerably lower than what your HRM is telling you, although there's no good way to estimate it! When doing P90X this summer, I did wear my HRM but I took the numbers it gave me with a grain of salt. You are probably safe in terms of calories if you assume your strength day burns are slightly under the average burns you get from cardio days, as you want to make sure you're eating enough to fuel your body.
  • scottstephens79
    scottstephens79 Posts: 77 Member
    @mreeves261 yes, I freshly reset goals before starting the P90X series and I updated the stats on my HRM.

    @ sarahthes yeah, I think the 4th time is the charm for me in terms of eating enough and eating proper fuel. I'm feeling great and I'm getting results so I guess I shouldn't knock it