Totally fed up and frustrated!

Hi all
Most days I do cardio and give my all....I also add 7-12 km to that a day. I keep my calories below 1450. I have not lost but gained in waist and bust. I record everything. I drink lots of water. My clothes are not loser and my pants are tighter round the thighs. I am so fed up as I want to lose 10kgs to get to my goal weight and it seems such a struggle. I am worried about eating more in case I put on again. Help please:angry:


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I only went back a few pages, so my feedback is based on that. Are you logging every day and everything? One day looked incompletely logged and another wasn't logged at all, within the last four days or so. Are you measuring? I don't know if that rice is something different than what I'm thinking, but 26 calories for rice is a teeny serving. (Edited after looking up that rice to see its konjac flour, which makes sense.)
  • Did you recently start? Your body might be adjusting at first.

    Whats your height, weight, etc...?

    You maybe eating too little.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring all of your food? It looks like your food diary has missed quite a few days. Just make sure you are logging everything and weighing all of your food. Do that for a month and see where you are at.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you are anything like me, you may benefit from pre-logging. I'm horrible at remembering what I've already eaten that day. Try logging your food before you eat any of it. When I don't pre-log, I so often find myself remembering sometimes more than 500 calories I'd forgotten about. That can make a big difference, and on the days that you didn't log or incompletely logged, you may have wiped out your deficit from the other days.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Try weighing your food, in grams and logging consistently. It will work.
  • karatemon
    karatemon Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the replies.....some days I have been on the fast diet and although I have not logged it on here I am always around the 1200 or below and on some days 1460.
    I am very strict. I have always watched my weight. I am 74kg fluctuating a lot because of the scales being off so I use tape. I am more toned and I always do a lot of exercise. 2 cardio,2x boxing night then at 6am and one toning. In between and on those days I do minimum 6km brisk walk and nada!!!! I have been doing this for months and added walking in 8 weeks ago.
    I am hungry as well and get shaking when lifting weights.
    Yesterday I kept my HRM on all day and overnight and burned I was well under and should have lost.
    I have been waiting for TOM to appear for 6 weeks and nothing...just PMT I have an under active thyroid too. I am 44 years old.
  • summergirl212
    summergirl212 Posts: 91 Member
    If you are burning 2630 and only eating 1460 your busy just might not be getting enough fuel. Make sure that you are eating enough and getting all of the proper nutrients to be healthy.
  • karatemon
    karatemon Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I have adjusted my intake to be 1500 and I am going to experiment with that....I may increase it to tweak it. Thanks
  • Weight loss is a combination of your Diet, daily routine and your positive will power. I am a Mom and I lost nearly 57 lbs in year 2009. I was 180 lbs and came down to 123 lbs. My average weight loss was 5.5 lbs per month. Last year in October, 2013, I found that I again gained weight and I now weigh 140 lbs, an increase of 17 lbs. I started my routine again from 15th November 2013 and My weight by 15th January 2014 is 130 lbs. I lose 5 lbs per month. Now what is the secret? Well! follow five simple rules -
    --1st Do a regular walk, brisk walk, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Do not push yourself too much on exercise, do not take as burden. Enjoy the exercise. If you feel over exhausted with running or shedding too much calories in Gym, then try to do simple walk for 30 mins.
    --2nd Eat three meals that add up to 1200-1350 calories a day
    --3rd Drink plenty of Caffeine free Green tea (3-4cups a day preferably after a meal and before bed time)
    --4th Do not eat any solid food after 7pm evening. The time gap between your sleep and Dinner should be at least 2hrs.
    --5th Now the most important part. Give one day in your week to your favorite food. I remember that I used to follow strict diet the whole week since I used to wait for Sunday so that I can eat my favorite tandoori Chicken and all my fav. delicious Food. It helped me to suppress my Food craving for the whole week.
    Always keep motivated. Dream yourself with a perfect figure with your favorite dresses. I am sure that you will achieve your goal.
    Stay Blessed!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Thanks for the replies.....some days I have been on the fast diet and although I have not logged it on here I am always around the 1200 or below and on some days 1460.
    I am very strict. I have always watched my weight. I am 74kg fluctuating a lot because of the scales being off so I use tape. I am more toned and I always do a lot of exercise. 2 cardio,2x boxing night then at 6am and one toning. In between and on those days I do minimum 6km brisk walk and nada!!!! I have been doing this for months and added walking in 8 weeks ago.
    I am hungry as well and get shaking when lifting weights.
    Yesterday I kept my HRM on all day and overnight and burned I was well under and should have lost.
    I have been waiting for TOM to appear for 6 weeks and nothing...just PMT I have an under active thyroid too. I am 44 years old.

    Heart rate monitors are not intended for that use, and are not accurate for tracking calorie expenditures under 120 bpm. Use them for steady state cardio only.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Weight loss is a combination of your Diet, daily routine and your positive will power. I am a Mom and I lost nearly 57 lbs in year 2009. I was 180 lbs and came down to 123 lbs. My average weight loss was 5.5 lbs per month. Last year in October, 2013, I found that I again gained weight and I now weigh 140 lbs, an increase of 17 lbs. I started my routine again from 15th November 2013 and My weight by 15th January 2014 is 130 lbs. I lose 5 lbs per month. Now what is the secret? Well! follow five simple rules -
    --1st Do a regular walk, brisk walk, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Do not push yourself too much on exercise, do not take as burden. Enjoy the exercise. If you feel over exhausted with running or shedding too much calories in Gym, then try to do simple walk for 30 mins.
    --2nd Eat three meals that add up to 1200-1350 calories a day
    --3rd Drink plenty of Caffeine free Green tea (3-4cups a day preferably after a meal and before bed time)
    --4th Do not eat any solid food after 7pm evening. The time gap between your sleep and Dinner should be at least 2hrs.
    --5th Now the most important part. Give one day in your week to your favorite food. I remember that I used to follow strict diet the whole week since I used to wait for Sunday so that I can eat my favorite tandoori Chicken and all my fav. delicious Food. It helped me to suppress my Food craving for the whole week.
    Always keep motivated. Dream yourself with a perfect figure with your favorite dresses. I am sure that you will achieve your goal.
    Stay Blessed!

    With all due respect, to tell someone to eat 1200 to 1350 calories a day without ANY of their pertinent information (BMR for instance) is just nuts.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    If your only eating around 1200 and exercising that much you aren't eating enough to fuel your body, no wonder you're getting the shakes.

    Eat more.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have an under active thyroid too. I am 44 years old.
    I'm 45, w/ Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). It took me a whole year to lose 20 lbs.

    If you're not losing, you're probably underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burn. Weigh your food. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:

    MFP has "Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism" group:
  • karatemon
    karatemon Posts: 4 Member
    my BMR is 1350 and TDEE 1850
  • As per you mentioned that your BMR is 1350 then your calories intake can be till 1350-1400 TO LOSE WEIGHT. Stay Blessed!