Spinal Fusion?

Not sure which category to put this under, but I'm in need of some help.

Has anyone on this site had posterior lumbar spinal fusion? I'm getting it done in June...maybe, unless someone has found a way with fitness and exercise. If not, but someone has had it, please tell me what recovery is like...

When I get my weight down, I really wanna ride horses again. Not often, but just again. I'm afraid I can't after my surgery. Of course I will talk to my surgeon, but I'm just curious.

I'm trying to get into building muscle and getting my weight (or rather, inches) way way down before my surgery. If anyone has any advice, please let me know. ^^

Feel free to add me, or PM me as well if you don't wanna talk about it here.


  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I had it done (L5-S1) back in 2008. My Doc told me no running, weight lifting or anything that "jars or puts pressure on the spine" I didn't exercise until years after the surgery (my bad choice) but when I did go back I started with walking and then running. Now I lieft weights but still mindful not to put too much pressure on my spine.

    I would talk to your doctor, see what He/She says, then go from there. I wouldn't think horseback riding a few times a month would hurt you BUT I am not a Neurosurgeon :tongue:

    Good luck
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I will be watching this thread as I am also facing a Lumbar Fusion as my next option. I've been battling back pain for years. I have annular tears in L4 and L5 and bulging in S1.
  • snowbear1005
    snowbear1005 Posts: 79 Member
    In...for recommendations.

    I was just told today that I will need a lumbar fusion. My spine collapsed at L5-S1. L4-5 is in pretty bad shape as well and there's a fairly severe dislocation on top of it all. We're not sure how I initially injured my back (possibly a car accident when I was young tore the disc), but it ruptured during childbirth with my first born which required surgery. That was a little more than 13 years ago and now there's nothing left of the disc.

    I really don't want this surgery and am hoping to manage it with steroid injections and physical therapy/exercise.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I am 4 months post op from L5-S1 Anterior Lumbar Interbody fusion, if anyone has questions and would like to message me please friend me. Leave me a note why you want to be my friend. I had no idea what to expect with surgery or post op but I did have two friends that went through a similar surgery (posterior) and it was so helpful for me to ask questions. 4 month post op I am allowed to ride a bike, walk 2 miles, and lift light free weights. Stretching is necessary and needed. Recovery is a long road and requires lots of patience.